Author: B0ucha


One, two, three. Charlotte placed the three completed flower crowns into a basket and headed for the stables.

There was no need to summon a coachman. The rural upbringing of “Charlotte” had left her well-acquainted with horseback riding. Thanks to the memories and muscle memory of her new body, she could ride without difficulty.


The horse recognized her and pawed the ground in greeting. Smiling, Charlotte patted its mane and fed it a dirt-covered carrot she’d borrowed from Theo’s second garden.

The horse, appeased by the treat, allowed her to mount. Just as she was about to climb onto the black steed, a voice called out.

“Who goes there?”

A knight approached, holding a torch to illuminate the figure by the stables. When the flickering light revealed Charlotte’s face, the knight quickly bowed.

“L-Lady Lannia! What brings you out at this hour?”

“I was thinking of going out for a bit,” she replied casually.

“At this hour?”

“Is that not allowed?”

“Forgive me, my lady, but may I ask where you intend to go?”

Was he suspecting her of trying to flee? Admittedly, her actions did seem suspicious.

Sweating nervously, Charlotte hesitated as though debating whether to call for Carcel. Then, deciding honesty was the best approach, she answered truthfully.

“I’m going to visit the late Duke and Duchess’s graves.”

“Alone, my lady?”

Charlotte gave him an awkward smile.

“Of course, going alone would be unwise, wouldn’t it?”

“I shall summon His Grace immediately.”

“No, don’t.”

The knight blinked in confusion at Charlotte’s firm tone. Realizing her bluntness, she quickly added, “The Duke has been very busy and must be exhausted. Would you bring Lady Selene instead?”

Although she had originally planned to go alone, now that a patrolling knight had caught her, insisting on going alone would only seem more suspicious.

‘It is suspicious, after all.’

Still, it seemed better to go with Lady Selene than with Carcel or another knight.


Moments later, Lady Selene arrived. Though she had likely been roused from sleep, her hair was neatly tied back, and there was no trace of drowsiness on her face.

“My lady, what brings you out at this hour?”

“I had a restless dream and thought I’d visit the graves of the late Duke and Duchess,” Charlotte explained.

Rather than suggest she wait until morning or ask further questions, Selene entered the stable and brought out a horse.

“I’ll escort you.”

“No, that’s all right. I can ride myself.”

Charlotte demonstrated her proficiency by mounting her horse with ease. Selene looked briefly surprised but quickly mounted her own horse as well.

“Let’s go!”

With a light kick to the horse’s side, Charlotte set off toward the Heinst family graveyard, a place she had visited once before.

Upon arriving, Charlotte dismounted and turned to Selene.

“Would you mind waiting here? I’d like to go in alone for a moment.”


“It’ll only take a moment. I’m just placing some flower crowns.”

To reassure Selene, Charlotte showed her two large flower crowns in the basket. Selene scanned the surroundings, confirming there were no immediate dangers, and then nodded.

“Very well. But please call out if anything happens.”

“Of course.”

Charlotte smiled brightly before heading into the graveyard.

After ensuring she was alone, Charlotte removed her hood and approached the graves of the late Duke and Duchess.

Offerings of flowers and other trinkets left by estate residents adorned the graves. Charlotte placed one of her yellow flower crowns on top.

She exhaled into her red, chilled hands to warm them, whispering softly, “I’ll take good care of Carcel.”

Unsurprisingly, there was no reply. Still, she imagined the two figures she had seen in the portrait, their faces filled with concern.

How had they found peace, knowing they left behind such a fragile secret?

Parents always saw their children as just that—children. To the late Duke and Duchess, Carcel must have seemed no different from young Theo.

Perhaps that was why they had implored Robert and Randru to protect the secret at all costs. And their loyal retainers had worked tirelessly to honor that wish.

“I’m sure you believed, back then, that it was the right choice. But I think differently.”

Charlotte walked to the vacant lot beside the graves and placed the second flower crown there. It was the hidden resting place of Edgar Heinst.

Although the space was well-maintained due to its designation as part of the cemetery, it was starkly bare compared to the Duke and Duchess’s graves.

Ever since the late Duke’s passing, it was likely no one had visited this place to mourn Edgar.

“I’ll help Carcel recover his memories.”

Charlotte had pondered deeply on her way here. Should she let the truth remain buried, as Robert had suggested? Or should she help Carcel uncover it?

Her answer was clear. She would help Carcel remember Edgar.

While a cracked vase could be repaired to hold water again, the cracks would always remain.

Now that Carcel had begun to remember, suppressing it any longer would be impossible. Even if Randru cast another memory seal, Carcel’s awakening Rosito powers would instinctively reject it—just as Charlotte’s had.

Thus, there was only one solution: to prepare Carcel so that the truth would not destroy him when he eventually remembered everything.

“You might blame me, and I’d understand. But please know this one thing.”

Charlotte took a deep breath, her voice resolute.

“I care deeply for Carcel—perhaps not as much as you did, but I care for him nonetheless. I’m doing this for him.”

She turned to face the empty lot, her eyes glistening.

“I’m sorry for ignoring you before. But you don’t have to feel lonely anymore.”

Brushing away tears with the back of her hand, she whispered, “I’m sorry it took me so long to come. I’ll bring Carcel to see you soon.”

Charlotte prayed silently for Edgar before picking up her basket and leaving the graveyard.

What she didn’t know was that Carcel had followed her and witnessed everything.

Unable to sleep after returning to his room, Carcel’s mind was consumed with thoughts of Edgar.

Who is this boy, Edgar, that torments me so?

Hearing movement outside, he recognized Charlotte’s footsteps. Curious and uneasy about her being out alone, he hastily threw on his coat and followed her.

First, she had gone to the greenhouse. Watching her craft flower crowns with such a serious expression had brought a smile to his face.

Three crowns? One for herself, one for Theo, and one for me?

Judging by the smallest crown, that seemed likely.

Just as Carcel was about to return to his room, Charlotte headed to the stables, preparing a horse with a clear destination in mind.

Alarmed, Carcel moved to stop her, but a knight intervened. After a brief exchange, the knight brought Lady Selene, and the two women rode off together.

Though surprised by Charlotte’s ability to ride, Carcel followed without hesitation. The thought of her traveling at night, even with Selene, made him uneasy.

To his relief—and confusion—her destination was the Heinst family graveyard.

Why had she come here alone at night?

Curious but unwilling to confront her, Carcel kept his distance, hiding behind a tree. He watched as she placed the smallest flower crown in the empty lot.

Why did she do that? And why did she come here the day after I told her about Edgar?

His mind buzzed with questions, yet Carcel found himself unable to ask Charlotte the next day—or the days that followed.

Not because he doubted or mistrusted her.

But because he was afraid of her answer—an instinctive, inexplicable fear.

And so, for the time being, Carcel decided not to ask her anything.


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