Author: Nikss

Somehow, Sophina was left alone in the empty workshop.


“Is she really gone…?”


She scratched her cheek in disbelief and shook her head.


What the hell was she thinking, walking away and leaving all alone?


Muttering under her breath, Sophina paced around the silent workshop.


She wanted to see if she could find anything. Then she picked up something from behind the counter, where informants only enter and exit.


A strand of wheat-colored hair.


‘According to the information, your hair color is lighter than this.’


Not a bright blonde. But in a secluded workshop that didn’t get many customers, and especially not in a corner like this…


“It’s got to be some kind of information, or was she close to someone?”


Furthermore, wheat-colored hair does not symbolize the original heroine.


Suddenly, I remembered the secret location.


I remembered the velvet case containing the pocket watch, and the wheat-colored hair had fallen out.


‘This must have something to do with it…’


The vision I just heard was strange. I had no idea what to make of it.


I’ve been keeping an eye on her, but she’s been a secretive one.


Every time I met her, she always wore that mysterious mask, and she never hid anything from me with her inane jokes.


‘But why does she have to wear a mask? Not that it conceals her face.’


And what does she have to hide?


Maybe I could take it off the next time I see her?


Sophina shrugged at the naughty thought. Then she picked up the paper with the information she’d requested.




A short gasp escaped her.


There was something written on the back, just like when the informant had written down the prophecy.


Words written in fluid cursive.


“Ancient language?”


Unfortunately, I’m not good at ancient languages, and I couldn’t read it well even now.


‘I’ll have to ask Canus, like I did with the Roneache flower tale.’ 


Perhaps I should just learn the ancient language. I hesitated, thinking I’d probably get scolded by Canus.


In any case, Sophina gathered the papers the informant had left behind and returned to the manor, leaving the door unlocked for Canus.


She unwrapped the shawl from around her neck and went into the dressing room.


After changing into a comfortable indoor dress, she found Canus in the room.


Sophina glanced at the little snake and scowled, “I told you to knock on the door before coming in.”


“I knocked ten times, but you didn’t hear me.”


Canus took it like a man possessed.


Sophina rolled her eyes at the fierce reprimand. Then she clapped her hands.


There was something she wanted to ask Canus. She unfolded the back of the paper she’d gotten from the informant.


“Oh, right. Do you know what this means?”


“It’s an ancient word meaning ‘opposite’. What is it?”


Canus asked curiously, his answer as simple as a genius could make it. Sophina cut him off.


“It’s nothing.”


“Really? Never mind that…”


Canus, who was surprisingly not prying any further, gestured coyly toward Sophina.


She tilted her head in response, looking intrigued.


“What, why?”


Canus brought his hand to the corner of his mouth, creating a secret shield.


Then, standing on his tiptoes, he whispered in Sophina’s ear.


“Breaking news, I’ve been in contact with my parents… and it looks like the foxes are planning to surrender.”


Sophina’s eyelashes fluttered in surprise.


Canus added cheerfully, “It was a united alliance of the various beast races against the lion, and if the foxes, who were the main force behind it, surrender, it means the beginning of an internal conflict.”


“So the war will end quickly?”


Looks like the intel was right.


The original story described it as a long war, so I was expecting it to take longer.


“Thank heavens…”


Sophina’s words slipped out of her mouth like a sigh of relief.


‘I’ve been in touch with them recently, and they seem to be doing well.’ 


So now we can finally be reunited.


Still, it would take a while for the war to be fully concluded.


I wonder if this winter passes and the spring comes.


Sophina went about her day with a filled heart.


Time passed.


It was spring, the time of year when the leaves on the stately trees blossomed with color.




Inside the Chadwick manor, the atmosphere as more cheerful than usual.


Sophinna dragged the little snake onto the couch and put on a fashion show in the corner of the room.


“Canus, do you think this looks good or that one?”


Watching Sophina compare the white dresses, which were of a similar design, against her body, Canus clicked his tongue.


He’d had enough of the hour-long tirade.


Sophina had come to her own conclusions, much to Canus’ annoyance.


“Ah, but aren’t they both a little too plain? No, I don’t like the colorful ones.”


“How about this one, little lady?”


Jane, who had been helping with the arrangements, poured Sophina another cup and encouraged her.


Canus, who was even worse, tried his best to be sarcastic.


“What, you’re invited to a wedding, sister?”


“Just put it on.”


“No, no. This is quite the look. I guess that makes me an autumn mutton. It’s definitely not a cool tone…”


It didn’t work at all.


Dejected, the little snake gulped down the iced tea on the table.


Sophina didn’t seem to mind, and she and Jane chatted up a storm.


“So, Jane, what should I wear?”


“I think you look best in the first one, little lady.”


After much deliberation, she finally settled on her first choice, a white silk dress.


Finally, with Jane’s help, she applied a little makeup for the first time in a long time, and when Sophina was ready, there stood her mother in the doorway.


Khan spoke fondly to her daughter with a rare look of admiration.


“You look so good in this.”


The white dress was made of a light and airy material, and it suited her better than anyone else.


Feeling good at the sincere compliment, Sophina fidgeted with the petals and asked.


“Mother, do you think I’m pretty?”




Khan paused for a moment, taking in her heart, and finally managed to utter an affirmative. Then she gently escorted Sophina away.


“Let’s go, then.”


They walked to the garden, chatting excitedly. The garden was full of colorful flowers and people.


The sound of their voices, at different pitches, created a beautiful melody like the song of a bird.


There was a reason for this gathering of the Chadwick family.


Today was the day Ricardo would return home, victorious.


And of course, the rest of his family, including his sister Ririela and Rihentheon.


That’s why Sophina was in such a hurry.


‘It’s been a long time, and it’s good to see him.’


In truth, she wasn’t sure why she was so excited, even to herself, but she stood steadfastly by her mother’s side and kept glancing around like a meerkat.


She wondered when Ricardo would arrive, and then her keen ears picked up a slight noise.


It felt like there was a ruckus outside.


A thunderous applause, the cheers of lions.


Her mother must have noticed, because a graceful smile tugged at the corners of her mouth and she cleared her throat.


Evidently, the returnees from the war were on their way.


The long procession of steamed cars, with Ricardo in the back, finally knocked on the front door of Chadwick House.


The golden lion emblem on the vehicle’s roof glowed triumphantly.


The dull, rumbling noise of the automobiles played in the background as the atmosphere grew tense.


‘I hope he’s not hurt…?’ 


Sophina, like everyone else, stared at the procession filling the garden through moist eyes.


Then the slow-moving cars stopped, and with a clunk, a car door opened.


A man’s long legs slipped through the crack.


Gold tassels on his shoulders, a polished blue jewel along his collar, and a white shirt with generous sleeves.


The reflection of a man in immaculate uniform. He ran a hand roughly through a lock of white hair and slowly turned his head.


Our eyes locked at once.


His blue eyes, languid and decadent, locked on hers.


Sophina’s lips curled into a smile.




It was Ricardo.


Ricardo looked a little surprised, and slowly raised an eyebrow.


Her light-blue hair was parted in a beautiful bun, her chestnut eyes were still luminous, and her cheeks were pink with vitality.


However, Sophina was very different from how Ricardo remembered her. She was taller, and she had lost her soft baby fats.

No longer the fluffy, cute child she had been.


A long, thin neckline that reached her rounded shoulders.


The flowy white dress made her look immaculate and adorable.


Ricardo stood back and stared at her, thinking.


‘If I hugged her, I’d have one hand around her waist.’


I didn’t expect her to look so different. She was much, much more beautiful than I had ever imagined.


My heart throbbed in my chest.


‘What is it?’


Ricardo tore his gaze away from her unnecessarily. He always missed her.


Missed her, wanted to see her so badly.


But now that he was face to face with her…


‘It’s strange. She’s important to me, but she’s hardly a friend.’


It was as if he finally understood what had been bothering him all along.


This feeling…


While Ricardo was pondering, Sophina was torn.


If they ever met again, how would she greet him? Would she wave and he would wave back?


She practiced her greeting in the mirror, pretending it was nothing, countless times.


But when it came time to speak to Ricardo, I felt a rush of embarrassment.


Maybe it’s because I’m so happy to see him.’


Or maybe it was because he looked so grown-up and cool.


Still, I’d like to work up the courage to say hello…


Sophina closed the distance between them. Then, trying to hide her awkwardness with her long-lost friend, she asked more cheerfully.


“What, aren’t you happy to see me?”


“I missed you,” Ricardo replied, his voice sounding a little gravelly.


No longer the innocent beauty it had once been, it was low and thick with a manly, sweet tone.


Unfazed by the strangeness of his voice, Ricardo took Sophina into his arms.


Her waist, as expected, took all of his grip.






Surprised by the suddenness of the touch, Sophina shivered.


She fumbled with her fingers and gave a small nod.


“Uh, me too.”


A vapid smile tugged at the corners of Sophina’s mouth. She patted Ricardo’s back, which had now grown thicker.


He smelled familiar and good.


Sophina and Ricardo hugged for a long time.


“I… I think we should go back inside.”


Sophina looked up at Ricardo hesitantly.


Then their bodies parted. Ricardo’s eyes immediately went to her feet.


“Shoelaces, they’re untied again.”


Without hesitation, he dropped to one knee.


Ricardo’s ears perked up as he tied the loose laces, and Sophina noticed.


A gentle breeze blew, and beautiful cherry blossom petals fell among them. It was spring.

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