His Breeding Obsession Chapter 130 - The Bride Once Again

Author: Nikss

Grecan was akin to a sore finger to her, as the humans called it, and Leverianz felt like a second son who had gotten himself into trouble.


Leverianz blinked and muttered, “Mirania is still sweet, even in this changed world.”


His blood-red eyes sparkled softly.


“Mirania is the only one who can still call me Livy.”


“Do you want me to punish Grecan?”


Leverianz laughed childishly at her grave tone.






“I don’t want to bother with Grecan anymore, and I don’t want to bring Mirania into contact with him. All I want from Mirania is the same thing I always wanted, only one thing.”


His eyes were pleading, like a child making a wish. Mirania shook her head involuntarily.


‘I suddenly get this ominous feeling…’


Leverianz, who had moved as close as Mirania had backed away, clasped his hands together in a reverent gesture.


“I ask you to be my bride, Mirania.”




“I’m still alone.”


Despite his joyful tone, the mood quickly soured.


Chera, who had been teary-eyed in her way, stared at him as if questioning his sanity.


Nevertheless, Leverianz kept his gaze fixed on Mirania, his beautiful face beaming.


Shooting Chera a look that said, ‘What’s wrong with him?’ her shoulders slumped slightly, and she shook her head.


“I don’t know, either.”


Regret creased her face.


“I can’t believe he still talks like that.”


“What do you mean, still?”


“You’re the only bride, Mirania, and I’ve been fighting with the bat elders about it.”


Chera shook her head wearily.


“I asked Leverianz one day, in all seriousness, what the hell he was thinking, and he said, no matter how much he hated the idea of a bride, it didn’t make sense to bring in a dead person, so tell me what you want.”


Chera shrugged.


“If he had a bride he wanted, even if it was a wolf maiden, they’d give it some serious thought.”




“The bat elders are in a bit of a pinch, as well.”


“Even so…”


Chera sighed as she looked at Mirania, who had a puzzled expression on her face at the thought of a wolf and bat union.


“That’s when Leverianz told me that he wouldn’t marry anyone but you, Mirania.”




“That day, I saw all the Bat people’s aged elders collapse, holding their heads.”


Chera, who had once disliked the bats for their rancid odor, now felt sorry for them.


“Of course, I was no different.”




“I finally thought Leverianz’s was crazy.”


‘So did I.’


Mirania and Chera exchanged glances.


“I think the elders are now trying to find an heir among the other clansmen, which is good, because who can break that stubbornness?”


Chera’s words left a bittersweet note.


“I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life in cloister…”


At his emotional glare, Mirania averted her gaze, pretending to sip her tea.


“Cloistered, I’ve never heard such a word that doesn’t suit you.”


“I’m so happy for you, Mirania, you have no idea how pleased I am.”


“You three are all the same when it comes to ignoring words.”


Mirania put Grecan, Malandor, and Leverianz on the same level.


They’re all the same, just in different degrees of annoyance. Similar in that they only listen to what they want to hear.


Of course, if I had to pick a winner, it would be Grecan, the Lord of Nonsense.


As Leverianz continued to whisper sweet nothings, Mirania sipped her tea with a puzzled expression on her face.


Leverianz smirked at her response, but his aura grew colder, as though he wasn’t feeling well.


“…You said you’d think about it before.”




Leverianz continues to smile, “Now it’s time for Mirania to make a decision, and I’m sure you’ll give me a positive answer.”


“I know I said that just to escape the moment.”


If I’d known that my inability to say no outright would be so persistent, I would have reconsidered.


“It doesn’t matter.”


It felt like talking to a brick wall.




“I hate it when you call me that.”




I sighed, and Leverianz smiled with satisfaction.


“Speak, Mirania.”


“Livy, I am supposed to be dead.”


“I think I know what you’re going to say.”


He said, his voice dripping with honey.


“You’re not dead.”


“I don’t know what will happen when.”


“I don’t care if Mirania dies tomorrow, right now. This is my choice, and I don’t regret it.”


Disturbingly steadfast. Mirania had come to terms with the fact that Leverianz was sincere. It was a troubling revelation.


Chera’s face crumpled in annoyance.


“Stop it, Mirania, can’t you see the trouble you’re in? How can anyone take seriously what someone says when they’re so stubborn?”


Spoken in a firm, angry tone, Chera narrowed her eyes at Leverianz’s next move.




It was a small box, the size of a baby’s fist.


Leverianz wasted no time in opening the lid of the luxurious box, which was smoothly finished in purple velvet.




A ring with a large ruby was revealed.


“Who says I’m not serious, you? I’m sorry, but I am, Chera.”


Chera’s eyes wavered.


Leverianz looked straight at Mirania.


“It’s a ring worn by the bride of the chief for generations.”




“I have waited, longingly, for the day I could place it on Mirania’s finger.”




“So eagerly.”


A heavy silence fell over Leverianz’s words.


The sound of a door opening drew attention to the door.


A slender woman of modest appearance stood there, biting her lip. Chera jumped to her feet. A puzzled look on her face.




Leverianz’s smile hardened slightly.


“I was wondering if you might need a snack.”


Although she was speaking to Chera, Vanessa’s gaze was fixed on Leverianz, who wasn’t looking at me.


“Oh, snacks…”


“No need.”


Leverianz said coldly, interrupting Chera.


‘You seem to be a member of the bat clan, why are you acting like that?’


Mirania looked back and forth between Leverianz and the bat maiden with interest.


Vanessa clenched her fists tightly. She was about to cry and run away, but instead, she stood tall and spoke calmly.


“…I hear you have a distinguished guest, and I’m sure you need to vent, so shall we prepare some drinks?”




“If you don’t mind a snack.”


Leverianz scowled at the addition.


“Leave, I don’t need it. Don’t you realize you’re being rude?”


The woman’s face clouded over and then returned to a calm expression. But in that short time, many emotions were read.


Sadness, desperation, and an unspeakable sense of loss.


‘It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such clear emotion.’


She muttered to herself, overcome with a newfound emotion.


“I see now that it wasn’t Alice after all. 


Her emotions were calm. It wasn’t ridiculous, outrageous, or surprising.


It was just the way Leverianz, the troublemaker, was, and as she’d said earlier, if asked to name someone who didn’t fit the definition of civility, Mirania would have picked Leverianz without hesitation.


She just wondered why they were acting so awkwardly and what the reason was.


Hearing Mirania’s muttering to herself, Leverianz stiffened and looked at her.


“Don’t get me wrong, Vanessa is nothing.”


Mirania looked at her reflexively.


A more concentrated emotion flickered across his modest but graceful face. His eyelids fluttered slightly, and he bit his lip.


It was a wounded look. It was similar to the expression Grecan wore whenever she ignored him in anger.


[You disgusting bastard!]


His face contorted in such a way that it hurt to look at.


Mirania frowned slightly as she remembered the guilt that had kept her awake at night.




The atmosphere was as still as a frozen lake.


Chera’s sigh drifted off in all directions.


“I’ll explain it for you, Mirania.”




“Vanessa is a member of the Bat Clan, the daughter of one of the highest noble families.”


Mirania nodded. Somehow she had the feeling of a well-educated human noble.


“Originally, the elders had arranged for her to be Leverianz’s companion, but it didn’t work out, and Vanessa is still unmarried. She’s been chaste for over a hundred years. Come to think of it, chaste is more fitting for her than for Leverianz. It’s a shame, really.”




Leverianz interrupted her with a sullen voice.


Chera opened her mouth to say more, but sighed and shut it.


Ignoring Leverianz’s stern stare, Mirania tilted her head toward Chera.


“Why do you stop talking?”




“You said you were sorry. If you’re going to tell me, you should tell me why.”


Chera hesitated, then frowned.


“I know it’s not my place to say, but I can’t help it, because she’s madly in love with Leverianz, and of course, he knows it.”






Leverianz slammed his hand down on the desk. Vanessa shook her head in disbelief.


“Chera, I’m fine.”


“You stay put. Who wants to come in here like that?”


At the irritation in Leverianz’s voice, Chera snapped her head around angrily.


“Why don’t you behave yourself, you little brat?”


“Chera, what do you think you know? There’s a time to step up and a time not to, and you’re not old enough to know that.”


“It’s been a hundred years. I know you’ve followed Mirania in truth, but love, are you sure about that? Are you sure you still love her after a hundred years?”




“Exactly. I’m asking you if you’re ‘rationally’ in love with Mirania, not if you’re sexually attracted to her!”


Leverianz shut his mouth in displeasure at the hard-line attitude. He didn’t like Chera’s question and attitude.


Mirania clicked her tongue.


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