A fortune-telling princess Chapter 49
Through Derin, Camilla discovered Luve’s true identity and decided to seek his help.
After all, investigating so many individuals would require assistance, preferably from someone with impeccable discretion.
“As quickly as possible, please.”
“Understood. Normally, I shouldn’t be doing this, but…”
The Black Shadow organization existed solely to serve the head of the Sorpel family. They were under no obligation to take orders from anyone else or offer assistance.
“This time, we’ll consider it a special case.”
But Luve decided to make an exception for Camilla, especially since she had uncovered the organization’s existence and his identity.
“Please keep this from Father.”
Luve hesitated at her request. Camilla softly called out again.
“Luve, I’m counting on you.”
“…For now, I’ll agree to it.”
Luve gave a slight bow before leaving the room.
As soon as the door closed, Camilla collapsed into her chair, her legs feeling like jelly.
“He’s definitely the leader, alright.”
She had been nervous. The easygoing Luve she was used to had disappeared, replaced by the sharp, unyielding leader of Black Shadow.
“Now I just have to wait for the investigation to finish.”
Camilla threw herself onto the bed. She had no energy left to do anything else that day.
“Is this true?”
“Thank you! This will be a tremendous help!”
A radiant smile spread across Professor JB’s face. Camilla had informed him that she would assist with his research.
“What do you need me to do?”
“From the books you said your family owns, please transcribe the parts I’ll specify and bring them to me.”
“Then I’ll organize the necessary materials and let you know soon. I look forward to working with you.”
As Camilla stood to leave, her gaze drifted to the area behind Professor JB. The seven ghostly women were still lingering around him.
Yesterday marked the fourth day since she had assigned the investigation to Luve. He had delivered a complete dossier on the women haunting JB.
And once again, it hit me.
This man is truly a psychopath.
The women he had killed all shared a disturbing commonality: they were adopted, and they struggled to fit into their new families.
When Camilla realized this, she was overwhelmed by disbelief.
What on earth was he thinking?
Why kill women who had endured the same pain as his sister? No matter how she looked at it, Professor JB’s actions defied logic.
After poring over the investigation report Luve had provided, Camilla came to one unshakable conclusion.
She glanced at Professor JB, who was smiling innocently as always. Behind that seemingly gentle façade lurked a killer.
“So, I’m next?”
Camilla knew with certainty that she was his next target.
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