I Slept with the Villain Holding My Hand Chapter 60
The next day, Merria headed to the shopping district again.
Like the dark blue sky with rain pouring down, Merria’s expression was also gloomy. She glanced sideways and breathed out a sigh.
It was because of Derek, who was puffing up his cheeks uncomfortably as he turned his head around.
Lexie, who was sitting opposite, was also looking at Derek with a puzzled face.
Despite Merria’s call, Derek insisted on pretending not to hear it.
Derek, neatly dressed, fixed his gaze on the floor as to what he didn’t like so much.
Originally, he was a child prodigy, there was a reason why Derek was so sulky. Today was the day Merria and Derek decided to go on a picnic at Alice Lake, which recently reopened.
However, the rain has not stopped since last night, so it has been temporarily canceled.
Derek, who slept later than usual, probably because of the dull sky, cried as soon as he woke up.
Eventually, Merria told Derek, who looked devastated.
“Derek. How about going tomorrow?” (Merria)
“But… you have to watch the play tomorrow.” (Derek)
“Then… the day after tomorrow, we have to go back.” (Merria)
Derek had only three days of free time left.
Besides, Derek, aspiring to be a wizard, had to train for magic with such a small body, so it was natural that he wanted to fill his free time and play.
At Derek, who had become sullen, Merria gave a troubled smile.
Derek wouldn’t have been so upset if she had answered properly.
“Next time. Let’s go together next time, okay?” (Merria)
Those words greatly twisted Derek’s heart.
Derek’s parents, who lead several businesses as wealthy as they are, were always busy and distracted. Due to the influence of his parents, who always shouted next, Derek’s least favorite word became ‘next time.’
Of course, his capable nanny and attendant took care of him, but Derek needed a family, not a subordinate.
That’s why Lilith’s role was so important to him. Unfortunately, she was just an ordinary sister and not a good guardian.
As a normal boy, he would have preferred free-range parenting like Lilith, but Derek was a little different.
He was a child who always wanted to feel touched and wanted to be with someone. It was in Merria’s arms that Derek found the next best option.
Merria, who often stayed at the mansion to stay away from society, became a very suitable family for him. Merria always cared because she understood his lack of affection.
Hopefully, I didn’t expect to make this mistake today.
Derek, who was very angry at her words, jumped into the bed and did not move. Eventually, Merria took out the bait she had saved.
Derek liked sweets as much as Merria, so it was an offer he couldn’t avoid.
The two people, Merria and Lexie, worked hard to persuade Derek to sit in the carriage.
They headed straight for Erienne. The whole time they rode the carriage, Derek looked unsettled.
Perhaps it was the combination of the disappointment of not having a picnic and the words of Merria, overflowing with sadness.
Merria couldn’t bear to blame Derek for that.
However, I think it would not taste good to eat the cake in this state, so I decided to suggest something so that his mind would be completely relaxed.
“There’s no Lilith today, so it’s okay to eat three pieces.”
At first glance, there was hesitation in Derek’s eyes. Seeing that, Merria said something more irresistible.
“Chocolate too.”
Chocolate was one of the drinks sold in Erienne, and as the name suggests, it was a chocolate shake made of all kinds of chocolate. And it was also Derek’s favorite.
“…I like it.” (Derek)
Derek, who passed over like a child, nodded slightly. Merria turned her head and tried to hide the smile from her lips.
Just in time, their carriage arrived at its destination. Relaxed, Derek was back as a good-mannered cousin.
Gwen and Lexie opened their umbrellas and put them on Derek and Merria.
As we entered the store, I noticed that the tables were already full. Are there many people who want to solve their rainy dreams with sweet things?
It wasn’t even the day when the ‘cake of the month‘ came out, but there were many people. At that moment, the busy serving staff walked towards Merria.
“Welcome. Are you ordering take-out or eating it at the store?”
When asked by the staff, everyone turned to Merria. She frowned and thought for a second.
“Should we wait and eat? It’s raining so much and it’s cumbersome to buy and leave.”
Merria pointed out to the window and nodded. The sky was so dark that she couldn’t believe it was still daytime.
The rain falling through the dark clouds seemed to be getting stronger.
“Ah… Then could you wait a little bit? The customer was sitting for a while, and we would guide you when he leaves.”
Derek’s shoulders drooped when the staff said they couldn’t eat the cake right away. Merria nodded and tapped Derek on the shoulder.
“You could go with Lexie and choose.”
“Let’s go, Lexie!”
Derek came to life in an instant, as green as a weed with nutrients.
Lexie urgently asked before following Derek who had left. “Lady, what would you like? Cold coffee and strawberry cheesecake, and for Sir Gwen?”
“I don’t like sweets, so I’d like a cup of tea, please.”
Meria’s lips curled slightly in response to the answer that reminded her of someone.
“Then would you like a walnut pie and grapefruit sandwich? It’s not that sweet.”
Merria recommended the one that she ate at Erienne, which had a stronger salty taste.
“Thank you.”
Gwen nodded bluntly.
After receiving all the orders, Lexie disappeared to catch Derek, who ran like a squirrel. Merria decided to stand moderately against a nearby wall until the staff came.
Behind Merria, Gwen, who was looking out the window, said, “The weather seems to be getting better.”
Merria glanced and looked outside.
“I know. I should’ve just packed it and left…”
It was when Merria responded with a slight nod.
When Merria immediately turned her head at the familiar voice, she saw Kalix, whose eyes widened.
Merria greeted him with a friendly face.
Merria, who found the large pink box in Kalix’s hand, burst into laughter.
“Did you come on an errand?”
“Yes… That’s right.”
Kalix answered quickly, keeping his eyes fixed somewhere else.
At the end of his gaze was a man sitting elegantly. Merria recognized him at a glance and smiled broadly.
Merria, who crept along, tapped him on the shoulder. Reukis’ eyes, who had turned his head indifferently, gradually opened in surprise.
At the sound of her soft but trembling voice, Merria gently waved her hand. Kalix and Gwen, who had been following them, spoke to Reukis and Merria, respectively.
“Sir, here’s the cake…” (Kalix)
“Lady, the staff would guide you…” (Gwen)
Behind Gwen was the staff that assisted them earlier.
“Oh, have you already found a seat?”
Merria nodded and told Reukis.
Reukis pulled Merria’s hand and placed her in the seat next to him. Despite the box in Kalix’s hand, he seemed unwilling to leave the shop.
“I was just about to see you anyway.”
“Me? But you said you were going on a picnic today.”
Merria had told Reukis in advance that she would not be able to meet him for a few days after Derek came.
If all went as planned, she should be having a picnic at Alice Lake by now.
When Merria asked, Reukis only stared at her.
“Wasn’t it raining? You must be sad that the picnic was canceled, so I didn’t want to say it instead, but I was going to give you a cake.” (Reukis)
Reukis shyly blinked and whispered, and Merria’s lips loosened.
‘Was there any other man with such a beautiful heart?’ (Merria)
“I’m glad the road didn’t close.”
She patted the back of Reukis’ hand and continued.
“Do you have something to do after this?”
Reukis shook his head as he held her hand.
“Since we met, let’s eat together.”
“Just in time, Derek…”
Before Merria could finish her words, Derek ran up to her and hugged her. Derek, who had a satisfactory smile, soon frowned when he saw a huge black shadow lingering beside her.
Not noticing the change in Derek’s expression, Merria shook off Derek and stood upright.
“Derek, it’s his highness, Grand Duke Frederick. You should greet him.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Derek Lawrence.”
Derek greeted with a feeling of discomfort, showing off his dislike. Then he clung to Merria’s side again. Derek cutely looked up at Merria and said.
“Sister, I want to eat strawberry cheesecake too. Could we eat together?”
“Of course.”
“To do that, I have to sit next to you, sister…”
Derek tilted his head as he glanced at a black man. The seat where Reukis was sitting was a sofa seat that was connected in a U-shape along the wall.
It was not enough for several people to sit, but it was a little narrow for three to sit in one seat.
In the end, Reukis slipped out of the corner. Merria, who was caught between Reukis and Derek through the bent part, smiled awkwardly.
Derek asked, looking at Reukis who had taken a seat.
“Wasn’t he busy?”
His words meant to go away quickly no matter who looked at them. Frustrated by Derek’s carelessness, Merria quickly checked Reukis’ reaction.
He was disappointed to lose the seat next to Merria but didn’t seem to be offended.
Merria tried to come up with a way to get the two to work together. At best, she didn’t want to eat her favorite cake and feel their stares.
When she found Kalix and Gwen who were hesitant because they couldn’t sit down yet, she waved at them.
“Derek, it’s us who intervened. If you don’t like this place, you’ll have to go back to the entrance and wait.”
Derek noticed something suspicious but nodded his head unfortunately as if he couldn’t give up the cake in front of him. Having achieved what he wanted, Reukis had a satisfied face like a child who ate the candy he won.
Derek and Merria. Reukis and Kalix. When Gwen and Lexie were all seated, the wide table looked full.
Merria handed the wrapped cake to the staff, who came to set the drinks and tableware first…
“Please bring it as I ordered.”
Soon after, a bunch of colorful cakes lined up on the table. Derek rejoiced like a puppy with sparkling eyes.
It was because he was suppressed sweets since his last stomachache.
“Enjoy your meal.”
Merria stroked Derek’s hair and gave him a fork. Behind Derek’s stormy hand movements, Merria also took a bite of the strawberry cheesecake she ordered.
Kalix and Gwen, who don’t like sweets, occasionally ate a small piece of the walnut pie.
While enjoying for a while, Derek, who was drinking the chocolate aside, glanced away.
“Your highness, do you like my sister?” (Derek)
Merria’s eyelashes fluttered quickly as she heard her cute cousin’s words.
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