Author: Nikss

“What is it…?”


The dark red eyes glowed with life in the darkness.


“They’ve found out where Tekarke is.”




They’ve located him, after all these months of his elusiveness.


The suddenness of the news made me flinch.


“Is that true?”


“Yep. Catching him is no longer a problem.”


Cedric sat down on the bed.


“Wow, finally… it’s so much easier now that we have caught the spy.”


“Yes. They eventually figured it out through a combination of information he gave them and information from the survivor of the group that tried to kill you.”


“That must have taken a lot of work on the part of the Department of Magical Research.”


“Yes. Rukia screamed like a maniac when she finally found Tekarke’s location.”


“It’s not the first time they’ve had to work overtime for Tekarke lately…”


Tekarke was behind the incident in which my biological mother blackmailed me, and Rukia had been working around the clock to solve it.


And when the search party was attacked by Tekarke’s curse.


“I can understand that, because I actually feel the same way.”


“Then it’s okay to yell.”


“I can’t, it’s nighttime, and I don’t want to wake the others.”


It’s only 9 pm, but there might be some people in bed early.


“Seriously, it’s soundproof in here.”


“Um, no. It’s fine.”


“You can jump on the bed and scream, and I’ll pretend I didn’t see you for a second.”


Cedric smirked and whispered, but I didn’t fall for it.


“You’ll be lying, and then you’ll tell everyone else, and then you’ll make fun of me.”


“Are you sure you don’t trust me too much?”


“Or you’ll use that as a weakness to offer me a deal, a deal that’s really bad for me.”


The look on his face says it all.


“What kind of image do I have in your mind?”


“Well, a very sneaky person who offers a fraudulent contract.”


“Oh, Ciel…”


Cedric whined in frustration, but I didn’t listen.


“And an evil employer who prevented me from retiring when I wanted to.”


“But at least I’m paying you a steady stream of benefits.”


“I can’t give you much credit for using that as an excuse to increase working hours.”


Cedric’s expression turned grim as he delivered the final blow.


“Is there any chance of improving my image?”


“Maybe if you let me retire?”


“I can’t do that.”


Cedric shook his head and moved closer to my side.


“If that’s what you want, I’d rather be a bad employer who’s hated.”


Cedric said, leaning his head against my shoulder. I looked down at him and laughed.


“Really, you don’t mind being hated?”


“…No, actually, I’m not okay with it.”


Then he squeezed my hand and looked at me.


“I’ll tell Hefan to give you the ten swords he recently finished, all of them, but don’t hate me too much.”


“Ten swords?”


“Yes. Since you’ve been through so much trouble this time, and you’ve slain a dragon.”


Oh, this was so unexpected.


I always jokingly called him a bad employer, but when it comes to bonuses and allowances, he’s a great example.


“The dragon you brought with you gave me a pretty good idea of what they’re up to.”


“You mean they’re trying to build a bioweapon?”




That’s what James told me on the expedition, but I never thought it was true.


Although I’d suspected it was, it was disconcerting to see it as an official finding.


“You said the dragon had been infused with black magic, right?”


“Yes. Although, based on your testimony and the testimony of the other members of the expedition, and the amount of power, it appears that they failed to infuse it as completely as the Lion of Nemesis.”


Who the hell would do this?


‘Is it treason? Or is it another country trying to gain imperial supremacy?’


Or maybe two factions were working together.


The question was, where did they get all that power?


Judging by the amount of energy detected so far, whoever was trying to kill Cedric must have killed countless humans.


But if a massacre of that magnitude were to be carried out within the Empire, and under the 


Empire’s watchful eye, there was no way the Imperial House would be unaware of it.


However, it was also not unreasonable to attribute it to another kingdom.


Judging by population numbers, there was no other nation on the continent capable of such a massive human sacrifice.


“Now, if you’ll excuse me, those bastards keep pestering Your Majesty.”


I said, leaning my head back on my pillow and staring at the ceiling.


While Cedric didn’t grow up to be as negative as the original, it didn’t change the fact that he had a rough childhood.


And the pressures of being an Emperor, ruling an empire, must be immense.


As if that wasn’t bad enough, he was attacked by the Lion of Nemesis and nearly kidnapped from the temple.


“You said they wanted to kill me this time because they thought I was the reason they couldn’t kidnap you at the temple last time.”


“Yes. I’m afraid that’s what they thought.”


The bright red eyes glowed anew with a spark of vengeance.


“I guess it wasn’t worth his life. The way he tried to lay hands on you.”


Cedric stroked my cheek with a very gentle touch that belied the coldness in his voice.


“That’s why I took his life.”


The look on Cedric’s face as he said that was as eerie as the Grim Reaper himself.


[Oh… look at that expression, Ciel, I just got a little scared.]


‘It’s okay, you’re a sword, Cedric won’t be able to kill you.’


Imagine what it must have been like for the spy to die with that face right in front of him.


In spite of myself, I felt a tiny bit sorry for him.


“Ciel, your cheeks are cold, and I think your hands are a little frozen.”


“Uh, is that so?”


“You shouldn’t get cold. You’ll catch a cold when you’re tired.”


Cedric said, pulling the blanket up from under my chest and covering me up to my neck.


“I’m strong, I don’t catch cold easily.”


“Didn’t you catch a cold not too long ago?”


“Oh, right. I did.”


“Well, you’ll have to take that medicine again if you catch a cold.”


“…Really, can’t you overlook that?”


I said with sincerity, and Cedric chuckled.


“You really didn’t like it.”


He slid his hand under the covers and gently grabbed mine.


“You’re cold, even with the duvet over you.”


“Well, people don’t get warm right away.”


“Hmm, I guess not.”


Then he pulled back one side of the covers.


And then he lay down as casually as if it were his bed.


“…Your Majesty?”


“Now, Ciel. Come here.”


Cedric rolled onto his side and opened his arms.


“You know how warm it is when people cuddle up to each other? It helps stabilize the magic.”


Cedric smiled brightly, trying to convince me.


But I knew better. Behind that innocent-looking smile comes a darker side that just wants to be closer to me.


[Dude, isn’t he going to hug you and not let go until the next day?]


It’s believable.


If I fall for those deer-in-the-headlights eyes, I could be in trouble.


[Or maybe he’ll just pick you up and run off to his bedroom…]


That’s a possibility.


Again, finding an excuse.


“Ciel, aren’t you coming?”


Cedric asks, his voice a little low.


The corners of his eyes drooped sadly as he asked.


“I’m pretty sure I can keep you warm…”


Why the hell does he look so downcast about this?


He looks like he’s trying to hold back tears because he’s been rejected by someone he’s crushed on, like it’s my fault.


“I’ll go, you can leave…”


Eventually, I ran into Cedric’s arms.


Cedric laughed in delight, wrapped his arms around me, and hugged me tightly under the covers.


“I’m glad, Ciel.”


In his voice, I could tell he was genuinely happy. He was such a consistent person.


Anger surged through me, knowing that someone would target someone like this.


‘No way. I’m going to stop them at all costs.’


And Tekarke would not be spared for his involvement.


“Your Majesty.”




“There’s something I need to tell you.”


Beneath the covers, I whispered in his ear.


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