Author: alyalia

* * *

Wow, people from the capital really are different. So sophisticated!”


“Hey, don’t act like a country bumpkin.”


“As if you’re not one. What’s wrong with being a bumpkin? If Illisen isn’t the countryside, what is it?”


Hmm, can you be quiet?”


At the principal’s single word, the noisy crowd fell silent.


“There are many staff members here.”


“It just turned out that way. In fact, there are a few more who haven’t woken up yet because they’re late risers.” The principal smiled kindly as she spoke.


The woman who had been looking at Luize with curiosity spoke up. “I can’t believe someone would work in this rural area for such a meager salary.”


“So be grateful,” the principal said, giving her a sharp look.


“What kind of teacher are you?”


Luize dipped the dry rye bread into the thin soup and answered. “I haven’t decided yet. The only thing I’ve taught is swordsmanship, but I can also teach healing or other skills. Can I observe for a day and decide?”


“Swordsmanship… mmph!”


“That’s fine. Take your time to decide. Personally, I think practical skills that can help the children contribute to the Empire after they graduate would be ideal, like healing. No pressure, of course.”


The principal answered, covering the mouth of the woman next to her, who was about to shout with joy. The woman, pouting, pushed the principal’s hand away and continued eating.


* * *

The academy had fewer than thirty students across all grades. Typically, academies had many students from noble or wealthy commoner families, but most of the students here were from poor commoner backgrounds. The children generally had trouble concentrating on their lessons, and while the principal taught a specific grade, the other grades had self-study time with assistant teachers.


“Teacher, can I just go home?”


“Not until you finish memorizing your spelling.”


“Can’t I just learn what’s necessary? I’m going to end up working as an inn employee like my father, looking at the menu board all my life anyway.” The student grumbled while reluctantly moving the pen.


Classes at the academy started in the morning and ended shortly after noon. Most of the children helped their parents with work after school, so the academy ended earlier than others.


Luize walked down the corridor with the principal after finishing her observation. “An academy with more staff than students… And most of the children don’t seem interested in studying.”


“The funding for academies depends on the number of students. If things continue like this, we might be forced to close, so we’re trying to keep it going by persuading the villagers to send their children here.”


“I was surprised at how empty it was, considering it’s where Lensia stayed.”


“It’s been over twenty years since the Black Dragon Run was defeated and peace came. Lensia has become a figure from history books. When the dragon was first defeated, we had plenty of support, but now we’re barely maintaining it.”


“I see…” Luize nodded with a bitter expression.


Remembering that Luize had come with Lensia’s recommendation, the principal hurriedly added, “Still, to the children here, Lensia is an object of admiration. Some even call themselves a vigilante group, carrying swords and claiming to protect the academy and the village.”


“A vigilante group?”


“Yes. They’re just a motley crew imitating her, though.”


Luize’s eyes sparkled with interest.


The principal sighed deeply and continued. “Normally, students attend the academy from fourteen to sixteen. However, children without homes to return to after graduation are often exposed to crime. That’s why I keep such children here.”


“…I see.”


“But there are children who stay at the academy even after becoming adults.” She stopped and looked at the open space between the dormitory and the academy. “That’s the vigilante group. Although it’s just in name, Fioren Academy is the only place in the Empire where women can learn swordsmanship. So, girls could also handle swords from a young age.”


“Was there a swordsmanship teacher?”


“Yes, until five years ago when the elderly swordsmanship teacher passed away. Many children who admired Lensia aspired to become swordswomen.”


“But I’ve heard swordswomen are very rare. I haven’t seen any besides Lensia and myself.”


“Swordsmanship itself is perceived as male domain, so it’s difficult for female swordswomen to emerge. There aren’t many knight orders that accept female knights.”


“I see…”


“Becoming an official knight is like finding a needle in the ocean, so swordswomen often become mercenaries or live ordinary lives. The children in the vigilante group don’t join mercenary bands but stay in the village, working and living at the academy. It’s a situation where they belong to neither.”


“Why on earth—” As Luize was about to speak, a sharp scream echoed through the academy building.


Ahh—! Someone help!”


“Excuse me for a moment.”


The principal quickly moved towards the scream coming from the staff dormitory. Luize hurriedly followed.


* * *

Rushing in, they found a man with a makeshift mask made of cloth, tied up and lying on the floor.


“Got him!”


“Is he the underwear thief?”


“Seems like just a thief.”


“He must be after the academy’s land deeds.”


“He probably attacked knowing there were only women here.”


“Our vigilante group is so strong! Haha!”


Eight women with wooden swords looked down at the tied-up man with satisfied expressions. Most had tanned skin and boasted sturdy muscles and large frames, like sailors. Among them was a noticeably short student.


“Lucy? What are you doing here?”




“Please don’t scold her too much, Principal. Lucy is our vigilante group’s star member!”


“Are you all planning to stay here forever without getting proper jobs? We don’t even know how much longer the academy can operate. You can’t live here forever, you know that.”


The principal pressed her temples with her fingers as if she had a headache and continued, “Learn healing from the new teacher and leave soon. Healing skills can be used anywhere, and even basic knowledge will help you find jobs. How long will you keep doing odd jobs around the village? You need stable careers.”




“But what? Are you planning to play knights here all your lives?”




The girls who had caught the thief hung their heads, dejected.


“What’s the point of being great swordsmen like Lensia if no one will hire swordswomen?”


“But there’s the Black Mace in the Fifth Order of the Imperial Knights!”


“Do you really think someone with a skill to join that without a master would just appear here?”




“Children, stop troubling this old teacher and graduate quietly to find proper jobs. I’d rather you become mercenaries than stay here. You have the strength to protect yourselves and work in the village, so why don’t you leave the academy?”


“If we leave, there will be no one to protect the academy.”




“You don’t even have the budget to hire a single bodyguard because you’re busy taking care of other kids. What if something happens to you? If you disappear, the academy is finished!”


Though the principal had a soft heart, her inability to expel these students stemmed from a major reason. People often threatened students and the principal, resenting the idea of orphans and commoners attending the academy. Moreover, a wealthy man who recently moved to the village was trying to buy the academy building, displeased that it was larger than his mansion. The vigilante group, albeit clumsily, protected the academy from such threats.


“This is your school, but it’s also like our home.”


“Exactly. Especially those from Fioren Orphanage still visit sometimes. Think about how they’d feel if the academy disappeared.”


“…But there’s the Avenue Orphanage.”


“Avenue and Fioren are different places.”




The self-proclaimed vigilantes were all sturdy and responsible individuals who diligently performed their tasks, earning respect in the village. Even after graduation, they continued to help with village work, earning money, and stayed at the academy for room and board, guarding the place. They even covered the budget shortfall through donations. Thus, while the principal couldn’t easily dismiss them, she always felt the burden of sending her students out into the world for their future.


“There’s no eternal paradise in this world. Find your own paths as soon as you can.”


Luize, eavesdropping from around the corner, listened quietly to their conversation. Determined about what to teach them, she silently returned to her quarters.


* * *

The next morning, Luize woke up to a deep, resonant voice echoing through the academy. “Is anyone there?”

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