Author: Byuon

Chapter 64


Angela’s sudden appearance on the train bound for the villa had a simple explanation. The night before, Susan had eaten fish soup as a late-night snack and ended up sick. Angela volunteered to take her place.

“Even Mrs. Rosa gave her permission,” Angela said preemptively, answering the unspoken question everyone’s expressions seemed to be asking: Why are you here?

She shrugged her shoulders smugly before making her way to sit beside Anne, another kitchen maid. From what I knew, Anne was one of Miriam’s closer allies.

I squinted my eyes, watching Angela and Anne seated diagonally across from me.

Mika, sitting next to me, leaned over and whispered, “Don’t worry too much about her. She probably came along because she wanted to get away from Miriam. The staff quarters are basically Miriam’s domain right now.”

“They used to get along so well. Did they fight or something?”

“Don’t even ask. They’re in a cold war. Even couples don’t make such a big deal out of it.”

Mika seemed to think I was bothered by Angela’s presence. Thankfully, the four of us were seated in a private four-person section, facing each other. Angela and Anne were seated diagonally from us, across from Mrs. Rosa.

Meanwhile, Colin and Lucas had been directed to their own seats. They were in first class, which was only accessible by passing through the dining car from the general seating area.

‘Well, at least I won’t have to work until we get to Rewybourne.’

Although Angela’s decision to replace Susan was suspicious, if her primary reason was to escape Miriam’s domain, I had no reason to pay her any mind.

Mika whispered again, “Honestly, no one likes Angela anymore.”

“What? Why not?”

“Well, she badmouthed you to us once.”

I widened my eyes, staring at Mika in shock. She hesitated as if debating whether to say more, but I pressed her to continue.

“She started saying you had some secret boyfriend you met every weekend and that your sleepwalking was just an act for attention. So, of course, we argued.”

“What? A boyfriend?”

I frowned deeply, and Mika waved her hands as if to calm me down.

“We yelled at her, telling her to stop lying, and that caused a bit of a scene. Word got around among the other maids, but luckily no one believed her.”

“Well, that’s a relief. And for the record, I don’t have a boyfriend.”

If the teasing had come from the restaurant regulars, I wouldn’t have minded. But the idea that Angela had tried to spread outright lies about me infuriated me.

She had probably assumed my weekend visits to the Gerbera Garden were related to some secret affair.

“Anyway, a lot of people who already disliked Angela started avoiding her after that. These days, the only people who still stick with her are Miriam and Anne.”

“So, even Miriam didn’t want to bring her along, which is why she forced her way into the villa trip?”

“Exactly. So don’t stress about her too much. Just ignore her.”

Though Mika told me not to dwell on it, I couldn’t help but glance at Angela.

Sitting with her back to me, Angela chatted with Anne. I fixed a sharp glare on her back.

‘I thought Miriam was the only one ruining the quality of my maid life, but it turns out there’s another.’

“Whoa, whoa. Relax,” Mika said as she handed me a snack.

“She’s the type to gossip and cause drama wherever she goes. The best way to handle people like her is to ignore them.”

“If it ever gets out of hand, let me know, Miss Rosieta. I’ll help you draft a legal complaint,” Marie said suddenly from across the table, munching on a boiled egg.

Angie, who was helping Marie peel the eggshells, nodded in agreement.

“If you plan to work here long-term, it’s better to just avoid her. Don’t let it get to you, Rosieta. None of us believe those rumors.”

“Thanks, Angie.”

I cast one last glance at Angela sitting diagonally across from me, scoffed lightly, and then began nibbling on the snack Mika had given me.

The journey to Rewybourne would take an entire day by train, and we’d be staying at the villa for several weeks.

‘For the sake of my mental health, ignoring her is probably the best strategy.’




The night train rattled along the tracks, its rhythmic clattering filling the quiet darkness. The sun had long since dipped below the horizon, leaving the dim interior lights of the train as the only illumination. I stared out at the shadowy plains that stretched endlessly outside the window.

It seemed everyone else in the carriage had fallen asleep. Turning my head, I glanced at Mika, who had dozed off against my shoulder. Her peaceful breathing blended with the sound of the train, creating a lullaby that could have easily lulled me to sleep, but I resisted.

Falling asleep here, in an unfamiliar place, was not an option.

I thought about the cord packed away in my luggage. Ever since leaving the orphanage, I had a tendency to wake up in unfamiliar places, the result of my mysterious sleepwalking episodes. It hadn’t happened since I’d come to this house, but I wasn’t about to tempt fate by dozing off without securing myself in some way.

Sure, I could have explained my situation to the others and tied my wrist to the seat, but…

‘I just don’t feel like doing that.’

Was it pride, not wanting to look odd in front of my new friends? Or perhaps it was the presence of Angela, snoozing diagonally across from me, that made me hesitant.

‘It’s just one night. I can stay awake.’

Resolving to keep watch, I turned back to the window. The passing scenery was monotonous, yet the starlit sky above kept me company.

Staying awake wasn’t unbearable, but time crawled by. Each glance at the clock revealed that only a handful of minutes had passed.

‘At least we’ll arrive in Rewybourne by morning…’

My body began to stiffen from sitting in the same position. Deciding to stretch, I carefully shifted Mika’s head off my shoulder. Supporting her cheek gently, I eased her into a more comfortable position, reclining her along the seat.

“Not even I can manage two boyfriends at once…” Mika muttered in her sleep.

“Wow, what a bizarre dream you’re having,” I chuckled quietly.

As I stretched, I remembered hearing that the train’s dining car operated as a pub at night. Perhaps I could grab something to eat or drink.

Pocketing some coins, I stood and made my way through the carriage, carefully opening the doors between compartments to avoid disturbing the sleeping passengers.

As I moved, my thoughts drifted to Colin and Lucas.

‘I wonder if Lucas is asleep.’

He’d always been sensitive to his surroundings, struggling to sleep in unfamiliar places. The rattling of the train would surely make rest difficult for him.

‘Maybe I’ll check on them…’

But I quickly dismissed the idea. I had no idea which compartment they were in, and wandering aimlessly seemed pointless. Shrugging off the thought, I focused on navigating through the carriages.

After opening four doors, I reached the dimly lit dining car. It had been transformed into a cozy pub, complete with a bar, small tables, and the inviting smell of fried snacks. The aroma stirred my appetite.


To my surprise, a familiar figure was seated at the bar. Colin, resting his elbows on the counter, turned to meet my gaze. His green eyes shimmered in the low light, reflecting the glow of the pub’s warm hues.

Scanning the room, I saw that we were the only two customers. I quickly waved.

“Colin, why are you out here instead of sleeping?”

“That’s what I want to ask you,” he replied with a playful grin.

“I couldn’t sleep. I guess it’s because it’s my first time on a train,” I said, rubbing my forehead and offering a flimsy excuse.

Colin didn’t press me, simply gesturing to the stool beside him.

“Sit. I’ll order you a drink.”

“For me?”

“Yep. Something warm will help you relax. Don’t worry, it’s late—no one else is coming here.”

Colin slid me the menu. It featured a mix of drinks, including cocktails and non-alcoholic options. He had a cocktail in front of him.

“I’ll just have coffee,” I said.

“Sure thing.”

“I’ve never tried cocktails. Back at the restaurant, I only ever served beer.”

“I heard about that from Daniel. He said you lived with a girl your age. Didn’t you ever go out drinking together?”

“We did, but only to simple pubs. Neither of us were big drinkers,” I replied.

Colin nodded thoughtfully, using my mention of Lynne, he ask more questions.

“When that inn in your village is finally built, will you two run it together?”

“No, she’ll take over the restaurant.”

“Hmm, not working together, then?”

“My goal is to grow the inn enough to hire staff so I don’t have to get my hands dirty. The ultimate dream is making money without lifting a finger,” I said with a smirk.

Colin burst out laughing, his amusement warm rather than mocking. Resting his chin on his hand, he smiled at me with a teasing glint in his eye.

“Interesting. But you know, there’s another way to make money without lifting a finger…”

“Becoming the wife of a rich man?” I cut him off, glaring playfully.

Feigning innocence, Colin raised his eyebrows, and I nearly laughed at his dramatic reaction. But I held back, pretending to scold him instead.

“Honestly, I’ve heard that line so many times it’s wearing out my ears.”

“Have I really confessed that much?”

“What do you think?”

I couldn’t help but laugh, and Colin leaned closer, his grin widening.

“Well, leaving the rich wife idea aside, how about hiring me when you need staff for the inn?”

“Hiring you?”

“I’ll reel in the customers for you.”

I tilted my head, pretending to consider the idea. Could I really afford to hire Colin, a top accountant at Holden, as a mere inn worker?

It seemed he could read my thoughts, watching me with relaxed amusement. The soft amber glow of the pub reflected in his green eyes, making them appear like liquid gold.

“Pay me whatever you want. I just want to be by your side,” Colin said lightly.

“You’re trying to make me an exploitative employer,” I retorted with a laugh.

With his charm, Colin could easily attract customers—locals and tourists alike. If I hired him, I really might become a successful innkeeper in no time.

Sipping the warm coffee brought over by the bartender, I chuckled.

“Well, it’s a tempting offer.”

“Isn’t it?”

At that moment, I thought Colin’s words were just playful banter. But his thoughtful expression suggested otherwise.

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