Waiting For Your Reincarnation Chapter 40
[Cael, the angel who can see the future, bring me this scroll and I will tell you the future].
“Does that mean I can see the future after I bring the scroll?”
“Isn’t that more of a prank?”
If it was a scroll from someone Ryu Won had never heard of, it made sense that it was a prank.
As Ryu Won studied the scroll with curiosity, his face turned to disappointment.
He watched in silence and then snapped his ring finger.
“Shall we have a look? If it’s really a ghost that’s not in town, it’s still a problem.”
Ryu Won looked at the back of the scroll. The problem was that he didn’t know where Cael was.
That’s when he noticed a medicine map drawn in the corner of the back of the scroll.
Cael’s location wasn’t far from the tavern.
The diagram told them to leave Veronica’s and turn into the alley on the immediate left.
While Yeon-young studied the map carefully, she remembered the map she’d gotten from Veronica earlier.
“Wasn’t that a dead end?”
“Are you sure this is a joke?”
“Let’s play along and see if we can find out who’s pulling the prank.”
Ryu Won turned the corner and walked into the alley at a brisk pace, leaving Yeon-young stunned for a moment as she followed.
* * *
Once inside the alley, the atmosphere was strangely different.
Pink, thick smoke obscured their view for a moment, and they smelled a faint floral scent.
“Don’t you think something’s been done?”
“Certainly, though I don’t know who it was.”
The soft, pleasant scent led them a little farther, and at the end of the cul-de-sac was an awning that revealed the silhouette of an interior.
The directions led them to the right place.
“I think it’s over there?”
“Yeon-young, stand behind me.”
The moment they entered the tent, the scroll disappeared with a bang.
When Yeon-young entered the tent, she saw a bronze-colored wooden table and a ghost sitting behind it.
However, the seated figure was unrecognizable as he wore a lemon-colored veil covering his face.
“It is a crime to impersonate someone else’s name. Who are you?”
“Cael. You two are the lucky ones who found the scroll, so I’ll let you look at it for free.”
Cael had an aura of his own, and it was overwhelming.
She could not see their faces, but she could easily manipulate them with her voice and hand gestures.
When she glanced at Ryu Won, he shrugged his shoulders and took a seat across from the soothsayer. There was a rare gleam of intrigue in his eyes.
Yeon-young also took a seat to Ryu Won’s left.
It was a strange situation, but it wasn’t as threatening as a sinkhole, so they played along.
The sound of paper scraping against paper came from under the table.
Cael placed the shuffled deck of cards on the right side of the table and moved to the left, unfolding it.
“You only have to draw one card.”
Yeon-Young drew the rightmost card, remembering the tarot readings she had done for fun in school.
Looking at it, Ryu Won picked the leftmost card.
“Turn the card over and show me the picture.”
Yeon-young’s hand froze as she turned the card over. After checking the picture, Ryu Won also tapped the table with his index finger and called out to the seer.
The card they chose was a blank sheet of paper without any pictures on it.
Cael laughed out loud and picked up Yeon-young’s card first. She placed it in her palm and clasped her hands together.
“Mmm, white.”
‘Of course it was white.’ The thought crossed Yeon-young’s mind, but she didn’t say anything.
Her hands trembled slightly as she concentrated on the map, and Cael spoke.
At the sound of her name, Yeon-young wiped the smile from her face. It was clear that Cael already knew who she was.
Ryu Won gripped the table with a nonchalant face. The veins on the back of his hands showed that he was about to spill the beans.
“How do you know my name?”
“There are some souls who don’t know you.”
It was a simple but true statement. The number of spirits living in Branch 1 was not small, but the number of people in the special team was very small.
Word of a newcomer joining such a team spread faster than Yeon-Young could have imagined.
If Cael had heard the rumors, it wasn’t surprising that she knew the name.
“Yeon-young, you are lying on a bed. I think it’s a hospital. You’ll have to face yourself sooner or later.”
“A hospital?”
“You mean the emergency room of the center?”
Even though it was a fortune-telling for Yeon-young, Ryu Won took it more sensitively.
It had started as a joke, but the atmosphere was overwhelming, and it was hard to ignore what Cael was saying.
Cael didn’t answer the question, but just picked up Ryu Won’s next card.
She waved her hand and concentrated on the cards again.
Ryu Won stared at the woman’s veil with a vicious look.
He looked as if he wanted to tear it off after this session.
“Hmm. You’re still stuck in the past and can’t see the future at all.”
Yeon-young felt a piercing gaze from behind the veil.
For a moment, she thought she saw a beautiful golden eye peering through the veil.
She picked up the cards on the table and continued.
“The god is watching you from a very close distance.”
Ryu Won’s eyes turned cold at the word god and he jumped back.
His face twisted into an expression of unspeakable pain.
It was a face he had never seen before.
The wind slowly began to stir around Ryu Won.
Yeon-young put her hand on his broad shoulder.
There was a moment of silence, and when Ryu Won’s mouth opened in realization, something strange happened.
As they entered the alley, a thick smoke began to fill the tent.
One by one, the smoke obscured the view, as if swallowing things, and soon even Cael’s figure was hidden.
“Stop right there.”
“Ryu Won, it’s dangerous.”
For a moment, there was the sound of wind hitting something hard.
It sounded like Ryu Won was trying to grab Cael, but in vain.
Like grains of sand falling from a hand, the tent and Cael’s figure slowly disappeared. Cael had escaped Ryu Won’s power.
He skillfully deflected Ryu Won’s ability, which also pushed back the Snarl’s energy that covered the sinkhole.
Yeon-Young stared blankly at the spot where the tent had been. Ryu Won laughed weakly and clenched his fists slightly.
“Maybe I’m hallucinating.”
“You better be careful, for now. Whether it’s a village or a forest, the atmosphere is disturbing.”
Ryu Won’s mouth was set in a hard line and Yeon-young watched him carefully.
He continued to stare wordlessly at the spot where the tent had disappeared.
* * *
As he stared, Yeon-young remembered a promise she had made.
“Earlier, you said you’d meet me at the clock tower in the square before sunrise. What was that?”
“Oh, that’s when the highlight of the festival begins.”
“And what is that?”
“A dance party in the square.”
“Don’t they usually take place after the sun goes down?”
“Because Iris loved the morning more than the night.“
Pulling himself out of his thoughts, Ryu Won added an explanation. He looked more at peace, as if the events in the tent had been watered down a bit.
Iris loved the morning more than the night. Yeon-young rolled the word Iris around in her mouth and swallowed it.
“Do I have to go to the dance?”
“Yes. You’re on the special team.”
“Haha. What about people who can’t dance?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”
“I’ll be your partner.”
Yeon-young looked at Ryu Won in surprise. He smiled as if he was used to seeing her like that.
He stared at her with a look that said he was looking forward to the dance.
“Do you want to be embarrassed or ridiculed?”
“Not if you think we’re a good match.”
Yeon-young’s dark eyes lost their shine. Ryu Won turned her around to face another alley.
“There’s a place we should stop first.”
He silently stretched out his arm and pointed somewhere.
As her eyes followed his finger, she saw a dress shop lit by colorful pin lights.
Yeon-young’s blush grew paler and paler.
He nodded once and led her by the hand into the shop.
As they opened the door, they heard a cheerful bell and a very elegant and calm looking woman stepped out of the shop.
Her figure-hugging khaki dress only added to her elegance.
“Monenmo’s Costume Shop. How can I help you?”
“It’s me.”
The woman’s eyes widened slightly as she looked at Ryu Won, then she clasped her hands in a bow and they walked into the inner room with familiar steps, as if they had an appointment.
“Is today the day?”
Monenmo opened the door to the innermost room, leaving the question open.
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