Author: Eica

Chapter 73

They couldn’t stay in the Emperor’s office without the Emperor.

The four people, who were half-pushed out of the office, let out the breath they had held back in tension.

“I have a lot on my mind, so I’ll be off…”

Leia left first, and Belfry, who had been hesitating, left in a hurry, saying he had a lot of work to do.

Carl looked at where the Emperor had disappeared to and said to Adrian.

“Your father is really cool.”

Adrian clasped Carl’s hand, who was expressing his sincere admiration without any reservation.

“Wait and see, I’ll be even cooler when I’m my father’s age.”

“I’m really looking forward to it.”

While the Emperor was still alive, Adrian had a long way to go before he could become Emperor, but Carl thought Adrian was perfect for the job.

“Oh right, did I do something wrong yesterday?”

While walking down the corridor together, chatting, Carl asked Adrian.

“Mistake? What kind of mistake?”

Looking at Adrian, who was hesitating, Carl thought, ‘I really did something terrible!’

Carl Lindbergh’s memory of the previous night ended with him warming his body and filling his second glass of wine, and then he woke up to find himself wrapped in a blanket and Adrian hugging him tightly.

He had definitely seen him off at the door, but he couldn’t figure out how he ended up back in the room.

There were still wet spots all over the place, and Adrian, after waking up, stared at Carl without saying anything, then kissed his forehead and left.

Marco, who came in with breakfast, delivered the shocking news, saying, ‘I heard from Eirene that you spilled all the wine in the bathtub yesterday.’

While picking up the fork that Carl had dropped, Marco added, ‘If the Crown Prince hadn’t come in at the right time, you would have been the first fiancé to drown in the bathtub.’

“I tend to get carried away when the atmosphere is right, and I was thirsty for wine yesterday. I didn’t drink much. Just a glass or two of wine, but I didn’t expect to make such a big mistake. I’m sorry.”

When Adrian didn’t speak and just looked at him, Carl Lindbergh, feeling a little flustered, quickly apologized.

According to Eirene, the bathroom was soaked in wine.

Carl closed his eyes tightly.

In his entire life, he had never had to apologize to anyone for being drunk.

“Maybe I looked really ugly.”

He scratched his temple, and Adrian shook his head.

“Not really, I just wish you wouldn’t drink when you’re not with me.”

Gasp. That’s it?”

Carl’s face turned as white as a sheet.

He wanted to shake his brain to get rid of the memory of what he had done yesterday.

Adrian continued walking.

Closing his eyes, he thought of Carl crying, and his own chest tightened.



〈I miss you.〉

〈My poor little sister.〉


He was jealous of the ‘real’ younger sister of Carl Lindbergh, whom he had never even seen, and as he patted the chest of the soundly sleeping Carl, he soothed his own aching heart.

“What happened? Tell me properly.”

Even if he was drunk, he wouldn’t have touched that national treasure-level face, so did he snore? Did he grind his teeth? Or did he say something foolish? Carl Lindbergh braced himself to kneel.

Adrian, who always paid attention to every move and word of Carl Lindbergh, was keeping his mouth shut for a reason, Carl thought.

Adrian, who had been walking steadily, spun around and looked down at Carl, placing a hand on his forehead.

“That is, actually…”

Carl swallowed hard.

Adrian, who rarely hesitated, was holding back his words.

“That… “

“D-Don’t drag it out.”

Adrian leaned in close to Carl, grabbed his hands, and rested them against his cheek.

“Your skin is so smooth—wait, that’s not what I meant.”

But his hand, firmly touching him, didn’t let go.

“You were drunk last night.”


Carl, flustered, avoided Adrian’s gaze.

“You were happy to be engaged to a perfect man like me, and you danced naked.”


Adrian nodded.

Carl Lindbergh’s face turned as red as a boiling kettle.

He had definitely thought Adrian was a pretty decent guy before he got drunk, but that he would act so childish!

“That’s all. It’s embarrassing to show others.”

Adrian grinned, as if recalling the previous night, then let go of Carl’s hand and opened the door.

It’s so embarrassing.

Worst of all, he had been dragged into an engagement without properly confessing his feelings, and then he got drunk and acted like that.

“You must have been really shocked.”

“I was completely shocked. So, Carl Lindbergh, don’t drink in front of others.”

He thought Carl would jump up and down and deny it, but to his surprise, Carl just admitted it calmly.


“Okay, understood. If I get drunk again, I’ll become Elizabeth.”

Carl nodded to Adrian, who was demanding an answer.

Adrian decided to forget about Carl’s behavior from yesterday for now.

He could easily guess that another soul had entered Carl Lindbergh’s body, but unless Carl himself felt compelled to reveal it, Adrian wasn’t going to pry.

He just hoped that one day, he would be able to see Carl’s true self.




“We have to go back to Lindbergh, right?”

Marco exclaimed in surprise.

Carl, who was lying on a soft rug, writing something on a magic formula textbook, nodded.

“Well, it’s for the best. It’s a barren land where we have to pick stones, and I was worried about leaving Leia, I mean, my big sister alone.”

Sorting the magic formulas took a surprisingly long time. He had to pull out all the words he knew, sort them alphabetically, and then translate them into the common language of the continent.

“When do we leave?”

“The day after tomorrow.”

“The day after tomorrow? The Heineken Empire does everything in such a hurry, don’t they? It’s like roasting peanuts over a lightning strike.”

First, they had to prepare for an engagement ceremony in just five days, and now they were being told to return to Lindbergh in just three days. Marco grumbled, thinking Emperor Glenn’s personality was way too impatient.

“It’s because the longer we delay, the worse it will be. The sooner we go, the sooner my sister can organize the nobles and settle in, which will make things easier for the people.”

He couldn’t bring himself to mention the possibility of a surprise attack from Parman on Lindbergh. Telling young Marco that would only make him anxious.

“I get that, but still…”

Marco, bustling about, insisted that this time was completely different from when they had crossed over to Heineken all alone, and that they needed to prepare properly.

Meanwhile, Carl muttered words like ‘warm,’ ‘hot,’ ‘toasty,’ ‘heated,’ and ‘mild,’ scratching his head in frustration. Was this how a foreigner feels when learning Korean for the first time?

As he flipped through the lexicon, he discovered something interesting: the further back in time he looked, the more similar the sentence structures were to modern Korean. 

For example, sentences that sounded natural like ‘the door connected to Adrian’s room’ were from ancient times, whereas awkward phrases like ‘connect door’ were the result of later generations trying to piece together descriptions from the lexicon.

Fortunately, Carl Lindbergh was well-versed in modern Korean, and once he got the hang of it, he could even create magic stones capable of ending the world. He could, like a genie in a lamp, make a magic stone that guaranteed a 100% chance of winning the lottery, but he had no desire to do so.

It was because he believed that greed, in any form, could ruin a person’s life.

He also thought it was better not to use intuitive magic formulas.

Heineken might be the pioneer now, but as time passed, more and more countries would learn the secrets of magic formulas.

The more sophisticated the formula, the more vulnerable it became to security issues, rendering any research pointless.


Carl Lindbergh, who had been clutching his head and groaning, thought of a fantasy role-playing game.

There seemed to be all sorts of amazing and inventive magic formulas in those games.

But then he curled up and muttered.

“I should have played the game.”

His miserably dull and uncreative past life had come back to haunt him.

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A lazy cat who wants her honied indolence back.

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Comments (1)

  1. I’m trying to imagine how a person from Heineken would think about Korea: “So, you’re telling me that there’s an entire country with millions of people who speak and write in the magic language, and not one of them can use magic!?”