Author: Eica

Chapter 78

“Dried vegetables and boosting morale are all well and good, but let’s not forget the main issue at hand.”

Belfry, who had been silently observing from behind, interjected with a sigh. 

Carl Lindbergh flinched at his disapproving tone, while Adrian merely commented, “Is there something more important than the morale of our soldiers?”

Adrian, noticing the coldness of Carl’s hand, began gently massaging it, prompting Carl to snap out of his thoughts and touch his flushed cheeks in embarrassment.

‘What a perfectly matched pair they are.’

Belfry suddenly felt a pang in his chest, as if a forgotten wound had been reopened.

‘This is… probably just a headache.’

Between the prince who charmed everyone unknowingly and the Crown Prince who expressed his affections so openly, Belfry’s life, already complicated enough thanks to the ever-so-close Emperor and his own parents, seemed destined for further turmoil. Just the thought of it made his head spin.

His troubled heart calmed slightly at the thought.

‘Right, because it’s not like I’ve developed some sort of saintly crush on the future Empress.’

“As you expected, they were all being controlled by magic stones. Though, we’re baffled by the strange formulas inscribed on them, we can’t decipher their purpose yet.”

James lifted a heavy sack brought in by one of his knights.

“Please take your time to examine them. And if you discover anything, contact the Heineken Imperial Palace immediately.”

Carl Lindbergh nodded and took the sack, intending to study it later when he was alone. Although he could read the magic formulas, it felt too soon to flaunt his abilities in front of so many people. 

“Will you be returning to the border immediately?” 

Carl asked, and James nodded.

“There is still much to do on the border, we cannot afford to linger in the capital.”

He glanced around.

“Besides, wouldn’t things get a little too… lively here soon? I wouldn’t want to intrude, so I’ll be on my way back to my duties.”

Carl Lindbergh watched as Leia Lindbergh meticulously reviewed the reports detailing the status of each territory. A wave of anxiety washed over him as he rubbed his chest.

Leia had another major task ahead of her, even before dealing with Parman.

She had to interrogate the Lindbergh officials, including the King and Queen, and discuss their punishment. They planned to confiscate their assets, holding them accountable for the exorbitant taxes levied on the territories and the unaccounted flow of funds.

Moreover, there were numerous cases of lords abusing their authority and exploiting innocent commoners, so the investigations were expected to be lengthy. 

While the crimes might seem similar at first glance, the severity varied greatly, so it was crucial to examine each case thoroughly. 

The perpetrators must be punished, and the victims must receive their due compensation.

It seemed like a straightforward task, but for Leia, who had spent most of her life sheltered within the castle walls, even grasping the sheer scale of it all would be a daunting task.

Adding to Carl Lindbergh’s worries was the fact that the King and Queen, the primary culprits, were Leia’s own parents. He couldn’t help but worry about the emotional toll it would take on her.

Leia, sensing his gaze, looked up and mouthed, “What?”

As Carl hesitated, unsure what to say, Leia paused for a moment and then offered him a small smile.

Her smile, attempting to reassure him that everything would be alright, only made Carl’s expression more pained. James, who had been observing the silent exchange between the siblings, spoke up again.

“If I may, Your Highness, I found it rather curious that the commoners on the border expressed no discontent with the monarchy.”

“Is that so?”

Carl Lindbergh tilted his head, while Leia turned her attention towards James.

“It’s not so much that they weren’t discontent, but rather that they were unaware and unconcerned. From what I observed, their lives seemed better than those of commoners living closer to the capital or within larger domains.”

Leia and Carl exclaimed in unison, ‘Ah!’

“The border region, prone to frequent demon beasts’ attacks and somewhat isolated, wasn’t heavily influenced by the lords. It functioned almost autonomously. Since the lords didn’t provide much protection, the villagers had taken it upon themselves to train and defend their communities. They welcomed us with open arms. It felt almost festive.”

Adrian stroked his chin thoughtfully.

“It sounds like their indifference, in a way, contributed to a better quality of life. Am I correct, Young Count Hoegaarden?”

“Yes, Your Highness,” James confirmed.

“While poverty is inevitable due to the harsh conditions, their lives seemed better than those of commoners residing in the capital or larger domains in many other aspects.”

Carl Lindbergh quickly grasped the reason behind James’ words.

Blood is thicker than water [1] . It seemed James was trying to reassure the Lindbergh siblings, worried they might waver in their resolve.

“During my time here, I’ve come to realize that the saying ‘clear water flows from a clean source’ is both true and false.”

Adrian, Carl, Leia, and Belfry all perked up at the unexpected analogy.

James cleared his throat, finding the earnest expressions of his young superiors, who were barely twenty-one years old on average, rather endearing.

“What I mean is that while the nobles, the supposed ‘source,’ stagnated and decayed, the commoners, the ‘flowing water,’ struggled to stay afloat and remain uncorrupted. The people of Lindbergh have potential. That much is evident from the way they continue to persevere and live their lives amidst all this turmoil.”

Everyone agreed on that point.

Despite their nation’s symbolic figures, the King and Queen, practically abdicating the throne, the arrest of numerous nobles, and the presence of foreign soldiers in their midst, the citizens remained remarkably calm.

This was even evident in the border region, which had been plagued by a constant stream of people trying to flee the country. Now, it was eerily quiet. News of the citizens uniting and supporting each other as if they’d been waiting for this moment had even reached Heineken.

Carl Lindbergh recalled his previous visit to Lindbergh, which had been drastically different.

Back then, the land had been scarred and desolate from fires, and the people seemed devoid of life. Now, everyone was bustling with activity.

Instead of people trying to steal and take advantage of the situation, there were those rebuilding collapsed walls with mud bricks, diligently repairing roofs. Their sweat seemed to radiate a newfound vitality.

The sight of a young child, smiling brightly at Carl Lindbergh’s carriage, had chipped away at the thorns of guilt that had taken root in both Carl and Leia’s hearts.

Carl Lindbergh felt a surge of emotion, as if witnessing a sepia-toned image burst into vibrant color. 

He wore a similar expression to when he’d first arrived in Heineken.

Adrian, sensing the intensity of Carl Lindbergh’s emotions through his fluctuating pheromones, briefly wondered if the Carl Lindbergh of the past, the one he didn’t know, had perhaps been someone of humble origins.

“Seeing the unwavering spirit of the people, the backbone of this land, gave me hope for Lindbergh’s future. However…” 

James paused.

He wanted to speak his mind, but he wasn’t sure if he was crossing a line.

Suddenly, Leia Lindbergh stood up and strode towards him.

“However, what? Please, don’t hesitate to speak your mind. I want to hear it.”

Leia, having taught herself the art of ruling without any guidance, was thirsty for knowledge and advice.

Her eagerness seemed to dispel James’ hesitation.

“If the dam overflows with rotten water, no matter how hard the clean water tries to stay pure, wouldn’t it eventually be contaminated as well? This is just my personal opinion, but I believe it’s in everyone’s best interest that the nobles, who have been steeped in their corrupt ways for far too long, are prevented from interfering with this land ever again.”

His words implied either execution, permanent confinement, or exile.

The young knights standing behind Young Count Hoegaarden held their breath.

It was incredibly presumptuous of James Hoegaarden, a foreigner, to speak so boldly to Leia Lindbergh, the future ruler of their nation.

Leia Lindbergh’s expression turned cold, unreadable. But James, figuring he had already crossed the line, simply relaxed his shoulders.

Having spent the past few months alongside the people of Lindbergh, even if it was just on the border, he genuinely wished for them to live in peace.

He was worried that Leia Lindbergh, though he knew little of her personality, might be too lenient in her judgment. What would happen if those corrupt nobles were allowed to regain their power and lord over the commoners again? 

“Peace alone cannot solve everything. Sometimes, decisive action is needed to prevent history from repeating itself.” 

At James’ resolute tone, Adrian glanced down at Carl.

Carl Lindbergh’s fair face had turned pale. 

‘Peace alone…’

It was Carl Lindbergh’s greatest desire, but also an impossible one.

Especially in times like these.

Adrian, who wasn’t exactly known for his gentle nature, actually agreed with James. Part of him wanted to wipe out every single noble in Lindbergh, crush Parman, and then whisk Carl Lindbergh away back to Heineken.

However, not only would that go against his father, Emperor Glenn’s, expectations of him as a Crown Prince, it would also deviate from what Carl Lindbergh truly desired.

He didn’t know what Carl Lindbergh was thinking at that moment, but judging by the way he was nervously biting his lip, Adrian suspected he would need a lot of comforting later.

An awkward silence filled the makeshift office-cum-meeting room.

All eyes were on Leia Lindbergh.

Belfry, ready to throw himself between James and Leia if she decided to punch him, assessed the situation.

While James’ words rang true, they were also a blow to Leia’s pride. 


The sound of someone swallowing nervously echoed in the silence.


Leia Lindbergh finally spoke, her voice low.

Indeed? Was that sarcasm?

Belfry slowly inched his way closer to James and Leia.

Carl Lindbergh, unsure what to do, started massaging his own shoulders.

Leia Lindbergh turned towards James.

“Indeed, how wise of you. Now I understand why His Majesty entrusted you with such a difficult task on the border.” 

Everyone except Adrian gaped at her.

Leia Lindbergh was smiling, a genuine and bright smile.

  • 1. Their loyalty to the royal family is greater than their loyalty to anyone else.
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