Precious Thing Chapter 5.4 - Engulf (4)

Author: nicotine

Tae Woowon removed Lee Yesin’s arm from him and stepped out of bed, glancing at the deeply asleep Lee Yesin before heading to the bathroom. He took a shower, filled the bathtub with water, and shaved, then emerged with only a towel around him. The bed was empty.


Tae Woowon looked at the empty bed, resting a hand on the wall. Click. A door sound came from the side.

“I… didn’t see any water.”

The small fridge in the room seemed to be out of water, so it looked like he’d gone to the kitchen. Tae Woowon smiled slightly as he approached Lee Yesin.

“Don’t remember what I said?”


“I told you not to try doing anything on your own for now.”

Lee Yesin pressed his lips together, hesitating. Normally, he’d retort defiantly, snapping back at Tae Woowon, but now he stayed silent.

“What did you take?”


“Were you out with Jang Wonhyeok?”


Lee Yesin bit his lower lip, unable to respond. His head slowly lowered, and his hand gripping the water bottle tightened until clear tears began to drip onto the floor.

“I… I didn’t want to… ugh…”

If he’s faking this, what am I supposed to do? Tae Woowon thought as he watched the tears fall from Lee Yesin’s eyes.

With a sigh, Tae Woowon took Lee Yesin by the arm and led him to the bathroom. He removed the oversized T-shirt and placed the showerhead on the top of Lee Yesin’s head. As he looked at his trembling shoulders, he pulled him closer, letting him lean his head on his chest. He wet his hair, then sprayed his back and hips with water.

“…Ugh. Sniff… ugh…”

Turning off the shower, he squeezed shampoo onto his head and washed it. Using a shower puff, he soaped Lee Yesin’s body and inserted his hand between his hips. Startled, Lee Yesin, who had been trying to contain his sobs while leaning on Tae Woowon, flinched. Tae Woowon ignored it, continuing to cleanse him deeply, removing dried fluids. It might take a while for Lee Yesin to feel better, but this was his own doing, though Tae Woowon was the one truly upset.

He set Lee Yesin upright and continued soaping his pale legs and feet. The towel around his waist got in the way, so he removed it and turned on the shower again, washing away the suds on Lee Yesin’s body and rinsing his hair. Finally, he gently scrubbed his face. Lee Yesin sniffled.

“Blow it.”


“Your nose. Blow it.”

Lee Yesin moved his hand toward his nose, but Tae Woowon caught his wrist and lowered it, lightly cupping Lee Yesin’s nose.



“Do you want to keep this up all day?”

Sniffling, Lee Yesin blew his nose, and Tae Woowon rinsed the mucus away with the shower spray, covering his nose again. Another sniff, and Lee Yesin’s face turned bright red.

After that humbling wash, Tae Woowon guided Lee Yesin to the sink. He squeezed toothpaste onto a toothbrush, holding Lee Yesin’s chin to open his mouth.

“I can do it myself….”

Ignoring him, Tae Woowon brushed his teeth, tightening his grip on Lee Yesin’s chin to open his mouth further, making it easier to reach inside. After carefully brushing, he held Lee Yesin’s head over the sink. Spit. Lee Yesin spit out the toothpaste, casting a glance to check Tae Woowon’s expression. Tae Woowon filled a cup with water and handed it to him, and Lee Yesin eagerly rinsed his mouth, clearly relieved to be doing it himself. He even wiped his mouth afterward and returned the cup. Tae Woowon steadied him by the shoulders and applied shaving cream to his chin.

Lee Yesin’s soft, almost hairless skin felt smooth under his touch as he gently shaved it clean. His lowered eyes showed a hint of red, likely from a mixture of embarrassment and lingering tears, but Tae Woowon paid it little mind.

Once Lee Yesin’s face looked fresher, Tae Woowon dried him off with a towel and dressed him in a robe. He lightly shook his hair dry, then stepped out of the bathroom with him, using a blow dryer on his hair until the dampness was gone. Running a hand through his slightly longer hair, he guided him to sit on the bed and then tore the bed sheet.

“…What are you doing?”

“I’m leaving.”

He wrapped the torn sheet around Lee Yesin’s wrists, gauging the length, and firmly tied the end to the left bedpost.

“Go ahead, try to pull.”


“Pull on it. Let’s see if you can escape.”

“…I’m not going anywhere.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Tae Woowon tugged on the sheet himself to make sure it was secure. It would hold for at least a few hours, he figured. As he stepped off the bed, he mentally listed items to pick up on his way back.

“I told you, I’m not going to run away!”

“Keep quiet.”

He looked down at him, then pulled the blanket up to cover his body and left the room.

Would locking him up entirely be faster? Maybe he’d be better off hiding Lee Yesin away somewhere Chairman Lee would never find him, keeping him to himself. It was disorienting.

٠ ࣪⭑

When Tae Woowon arrived at Tak’s workshop, Won Jungkyu and Jang Wonhyeok, both bound in chains, were alternately drooling and bleeding. After handing a snack to Tak, Tae Woowon pulled up a chair in front of Jang Wonhyeok.

I encountered Jang Wonhyeok in front of his house, just as he was entering the building with a white plastic bag. Tak, spotting his prey, knocked him down and loaded him into the trunk. When I told Tak to go ahead, he nodded eagerly and took him to the workshop.

“I made him listen, more or less. Nothing’s broken, but… maybe his bladder? Guy pissed himself a lot,” Tak remarked, clicking his tongue as he took a big bite of his sandwich. True to his words, Won Jungkyu and Jang Wonhyeok were soaked, as though they’d endured several rounds of water splashes.

“What did you do with Lee Yesin?”

“Just… sex…,” Jang Wonhyeok mumbled with a crooked grin. His eyes looked strange—hard to tell if he was slipping out of consciousness or if he was always like that.

“Did Yesin enjoy it?”

“That… that slut… he loves cock. Kept calling me master… kept begging for me,” Jang Wonhyeok replied, grinning widely, his eyes rolling back briefly. Tae Woowon gave him a matching smile.

“Do you like pain?”

“Yeah… it’s fun.”

“Even when you’re the one in pain?”

“I… I don’t feel pain.”

“Liar,” Tak said casually between sips of coffee. I was relieved—if he truly didn’t feel pain, this would be difficult.

“I’m not a fan of cutting stuff off. Blood splatters too much,” Tae Woowon said, and Jang Wonhyeok chuckled softly, his voice low.

“I could just lay you down and open up your belly. I’ve heard you can mess with the organs like that without killing someone. Seven hours, supposedly.”

“Mr. Woo, mind if I experiment too? I’ve always wanted to see where food goes during digestion. I wonder if the organs change depending on food size.”

“Ugh!” Won Jungkyu, trembling in fear nearby, suddenly gagged. After hours of not eating, what came up was a messy expulsion. Sighing, Tae Woowon went to grab a rubber hose, rinsing the floor and spraying Won Jungkyu’s face to clear the stench.

Turning toward the laughter, Tae Woowon saw tears streaming from Jang Wonhyeok’s grinning face, eyes gleaming with fear.

“Did Yesin enjoy it?”

“No… he didn’t….”

“What did you do to Yesin?”

“I… raped him….”

“Give me the details.”

Turning off the water, Tae Woowon set the hose down and sat in front of Jang Wonhyeok.

“I drugged him… made him swallow my semen… tried to make him drink my piss too, but he hated it… when I threatened to piss in his hole, he took a sip… a tiny sip.”

“What else?”

“I shoved things up his ass….”

“Things like what?”

“Toys… I have lots of toys. Beads, Black… White… my own… came inside and kept it in there… slept inside him… it was warm.”

Tae Woowon nodded with a slight smile, agreeing. Yesin was warm.

“Anything else?”

“Made him jerk off, do oral… when he disobeyed, shoved ice in his hole… bound him so he couldn’t cum….”

“Why did you take photos?”


“Tak, he’s yours.”

“Really?” Tak’s eyes lit up, crumpling his sandwich wrapper and tossing it aside. Tae Woowon nodded, rising from his seat.

“I’ll take a few parts out, but if there’s anything you specifically want left, let me know.”

“Eyes. Don’t take the eyes. I want to see his expressions change.”

Standing beside the open cabinet, Tak looked back at Tae Woowon with a grin. Tae Woowon scanned the cabinet contents and pointed to an appropriate tool. Tak pulled out a metal saw, which Tae Woowon took and then sat behind Jang Wonhyeok. His ankles, trembling from kneeling, exposed the tendons. When Tae Woowon brought the blade close, Jang Wonhyeok began to wet himself. With an annoyed sigh, Tae Woowon muttered, “We’ll rinse off the blood later anyway… unless you want me to cut off something else.”

“Ugh… K-Kwon Heechan… he… ordered this.”

Slowly, Jang Wonhyeok turned his head back, the twisted angle threatening to snap his neck. Tae Woowon observed his wandering eyes, recalling Kwon Heechan’s face. He shouldn’t have gotten involved.

“What did he order?”

“He wanted someone… to be kept. That’s my second job. Those who don’t listen… I keep them confined and educate them….”

“Sex education?”

“…Sex education,” Jang Wonhyeok confirmed with a nod.

“Is that why you took photos?”

“…Videos, too,” he added in a small voice, nodding once more.

“I got ten million won…”

Tae Woowon thought about it. Had he asked everything he needed? It seemed like it.


“And you said you can’t feel pain.”

“I was lying!”

Watching as Tak held down the flailing Jang Wonhyeok by his shoulders and thighs, Tae Woowon pressed down on Jang’s calf and finished sawing through his ankle. Blood splattered everywhere, making Tae Woowon remember why he didn’t enjoy cutting.


Tak handed him a syringe filled with a gel that helped stop bleeding. Tae Woowon looked down at the severed surface of Jang’s ankle and applied the gel. Though not yet available commercially, it was already circulating in the underworld for its effectiveness, used mostly by those indifferent to side effects.

Staring at the now bloodless ankle, Tae Woowon grabbed Jang Wonhyeok’s bound hands. Gasping, Jang shook his head desperately.

“I-It wasn’t on purpose. I only did it because of the money; it’s not like I hate Lee Yesin—”

“That’s the problem; you like him.”


Jang’s body slumped forward, and Tae Woowon shoved three severed fingers into Jang’s rectum. They kept slipping due to the blood, so he jammed them in with his fist.

“Oh, Boss Woo, did I ever tell you I love you?”

“You did.”

Tak laughed as he patted Jang Wonhyeok’s head as if to wake him up. Satisfied with the work, Tae Woowon took the severed ankle and walked over to Won Jungkyu. Blood dripped from his stained clothes.

“It’s a m-mistake, I didn’t mean to—”

“No, you’re doing fine.”

He placed the ankle in front of Won Jungkyu and bent down to meet his eyes.

“Tell me what you know about Kwon Heechan.”

“He… was expelled in high school, and, uh, I heard he landed a good job after that. Since then, he started wearing expensive clothes… got into college… when he started hanging around Lee Yesin, he kept saying Yesin was getting hard to control. He mentioned sending Yesin abroad soon, and asked me to introduce him to Jang Wonhyeok…”

“You didn’t know about Jang Wonhyeok’s… sexual tortures?”

“No… we only act as brokers, so we don’t know anything if we’re not given information…”

Tae Woowon nodded, then bypassed Tak, who was busily trying to wake Jang Wonhyeok, and opened a cabinet. Pulling out forceps and a scalpel, he returned to Won Jungkyu.


“Did you enjoy Lee Yesin?”

“No… no, I didn’t…”

“Yeah, right. He’s… incredibly delicious.”

Tae Woowon grinned, holding Won Jungkyu’s jaw open wide. The jaw stretched painfully. He grabbed his tongue with the forceps and lifted the scalpel.

“Did you know that you can survive a severed tongue? They say it’s possible to stop the bleeding before you die. Don’t you find that interesting?”

“Unngg… s-sort of…”

“I find it interesting.”


“Boss Woo, that won’t kill him. But if blood blocks his airway or the tongue folds back, he could die.”

“Oh, really?”

Tae Woowon casually straightened Won Jungkyu’s head, causing blood to gush from his mouth. He took off his blood-stained shirt and stuffed it into Won Jungkyu’s mouth.


“Like you said, you didn’t know, and Lee Yesin is… incredibly appealing. Right?”

Won Jungkyu shook his head violently. The white shirt in his mouth was quickly soaking red. Tae Woowon grabbed his hair, yanking him forward to look at his bloodied face with a grin.

“Right or wrong, you don’t take payment in sex.”


“Leave Lee Yesin alone. And if you’re going to pull something, be careful. You only ended up like this because you got caught by someone like me.”

He released Won Jungkyu’s hair and rose. Meanwhile, Jang Wonhyeok, who’d regained some consciousness, screamed as he looked down at his severed ankle. Tae Woowon took in the bloody workshop scene around him.

“I’m out.”

“Boss Woo, what about this guy? Send him home?”

Tak pointed at Won Jungkyu. His eyebrows knitted in a desperate, pleading look. Tae Woowon shook his head, and Tak laughed while Won Jungkyu let out a despairing cry.

“You were the one who drugged Lee Yesin, weren’t you?”

“No, I—”

“Whether you did or not, I don’t let people live if they might seek revenge.”

Won Jungkyu’s eyes turned a deep red with fear. Tae Woowon smiled down at him.

Wiping the blood off his body, Tae Woowon left the workshop and changed into fresh clothes from his trunk. He called Seokkyung, who, fortunately, was awake and quickly answered Tae Woowon’s question about Kwon Heechan’s location.

— He’s at the school facility right now. What’s going on? Did you find out something?

“Kwon Heechan orchestrated all of this. Look into his connection with the DUI incident and the photos.”

When you have limited information, it often helps to narrow down suspects and fit the pieces together. With Seokkyung’s skill, verifying whether this was all Kwon Heechan’s doing wouldn’t take long.

— Damn, got it. I’m on it.

“How about Baeksong? What’s he doing?”

— He’s finishing the Shining Brand piece with Goldy. If everything checks out, he’ll get the artwork from Rogi.

“Alright, good work.”

After hanging up on Seokkyung’s response, he got into his car and headed to the school where Kwon Heechan was.

Upon arrival, he took out a small monitor he’d brought from home. On-screen, Lee Yesin lay curled up on a bed, bound hands resting awkwardly. He tossed and turned, kicking off the blanket and then tugging it back when he got cold. Watching him, Tae Woowon felt a prick of frustration.

Lee Yesin had been forced into unwanted sexual favors for Won Jungkyu and endured Jang Wonhyeok’s twisted tortures. Tae Woowon was furious that they tried to ruin someone he wanted to protect. Though both men would now be at Tak’s mercy, just cutting off an ankle and a tongue didn’t feel like enough for what Lee Yesin had suffered.

But aside from all that, what angered Tae Woowon was how Lee Yesin had unsettled him. He could understand the need to escape Yeho Group in pursuit of his dreams with Go Hangyeol. But asking for gifts and claiming he couldn’t sleep without Tae Woowon, only to leave without a second thought… that was hard to forgive. It made something inside Tae Woowon boil over.

Looking at Lee Yesin’s small foot sticking out from under the blanket, Tae Woowon tucked the monitor into the dashboard and stepped out of the car. He went up to the 5th-floor outdoor area and dialed Kwon Heechan, who picked up shortly.

— What’s up?

“Come out for a second.”

— …Where are you?

“5th floor smoking area.”

— …….

“If you don’t want to get hit in front of your friends, just stay put.”

He hung up before giving Heechan a chance to respond. After a moment, the rooftop door opened, and Kwon Heechan appeared, folding his arms as he faced Tae Woowon. Tae took the cigarette from his mouth, watching Heechan quietly, planning to take him away without fuss. Though he wanted to grab Heechan by the hair and toss him in the trunk, he restrained himself, considering the consequences.

“Where’s Lee Yesin?”

He pretended not to know.

“You sure work hard. I guess you didn’t report to Chairman Lee yet. He still doesn’t seem to know Yesin disappeared.”

“Pretty talkative for someone who claims to know nothing.”

“You came here, so you must know some of what’s going on.”

Unaware Tae Woowon had found Yesin, Kwon Heechan laughed casually. Tae nodded for him to continue, cigarette still in hand.

“First, I gotta ask—why go so hard? You could just give up if you can’t find him.”

“I’m Lee Yesin’s bodyguard.”

“No, honestly, you’re his monitor. Let’s drop the act, shall we?”

Heechan shrugged with his hands in his pockets, his eyes resolute as if he wouldn’t talk until Tae was honest. Tae chuckled lightly.

“That’s right. I’m his monitor, hired by Chairman Lee for good money.”

Kwon Heechan chuckled too and replied.

“Ah, so it’s all about money. Same for me.”


“Surprised? I’m also hired by Chairman Lee—as Yesin’s monitor and tranquilizer. So, you see, we’re on the same side.”

The “good job” Heechan got after being expelled from high school turned out to be with Chairman Lee. Again, it was them.

“The same side?”

“Yeah. Why do you think Chairman Lee hired us? Because Yesin keeps causing trouble. But what if he reforms? Then we’d be out of a job.”

For a trivial reason, Kwon Heechan was giving Yesin a hard time—just to keep his job, just to prove his usefulness. Tae Woowon held back a scoff and nodded as if it made sense.

“Then why did you send Yesin to Jang Wonhyeok? Sending him overseas doesn’t benefit either of us.”

“Wow, figured that out, too? Let’s change locations for now.”

A group of students holding cigarettes appeared, and Tae put his out before heading back inside. Heechan followed him into the elevator, and they descended and got into the car. Heechan sat in the passenger seat without suspicion, even fastening his seatbelt as Tae started the car, gripping the wheel with still-bloodied hands.

“Had I known we’d get along this well, I would’ve just told you. So, where were we?”

“Jang Wonhyeok.”

“Oh, that guy. You probably think Jang’s a smuggler, but he’s not. So Yesin’s still in Korea. Relieved? No way I’d throw my meal ticket out of the country.”

Grinning, Kwon Heechan explained as Tae smirked and sped toward Tak’s workshop.

“So, he’s locked up?”

“That was the original plan. Keep him there, stir up rumors, let him make some trouble. But he’s been too well-behaved recently. So, I asked for more scandalous photos and videos and to make him dependent on… well, certain needs. Let’s see, it’s been nine days? Ten? He should be out in a few days. The training is only two weeks, intense but effective. And when he’s out, I’ll be there to ‘comfort’ him.”

This was human nature—sacrificing others without remorse to satisfy one’s own greed. Even worse, he intended to act as if nothing had happened, sitting beside a broken Yesin, pretending to comfort him while devouring him inside and out. Tae realized he should have caught on sooner.

“You’re getting a call.”

The car’s display lit up with Seokkyung’s name. He answered on speakerphone.

— Boss? Woowon?

“Go on.”

— Ah, yeah. It’s flimsy, but everything links back to Kwon Heechan.

Watching the scenery excitedly, Heechan looked at the screen showing Seokkyung’s name with suspicion, while Tae kept his gaze forward, continuing the call.

“Both the drunk driving and the penthouse photos?”

— Yes. And it seems he’s been hired by Chairman Lee. I found a trace of an old payment from one of the chairman’s past aides to an account Heechan used years ago. In other words, meeting Yesin at 18 wasn’t a coincidence; it was all planned by Chairman Lee.

“…What’s going on?”

Heechan, caught off guard, grabbed Tae’s shoulder. Tae brushed him off.

— Uh… Boss, are you with someone?

“I’m with Heechan. Got any questions? Ask him yourself.”

— Oh, really? Hi there, Kwon Heechan. Are you managing Yesin’s social media?

“…Who is this?”

“Answer. He’s asking politely.”

“What are you doing?!”

Heechan reached toward Tae, struggling with his seatbelt. The moment he looked up, Tae landed a punch squarely on his nose, swinging with full force, knocking him out cold.

— Boss? Are you okay?

“I’m fine. Text me any questions you have. I’ll ask him.”

— Okay!

Ending the call, Tae parked at Tak’s workshop in the secluded mountain area. He got out, went to the passenger side, grabbed Heechan by the hair, and dragged him out. Shutting the door, he pulled Heechan along into the workshop.

٠ ࣪⭑

He’d hit a teacher at school. Although it wasn’t too severe, it got Kwon Heechan expelled. Afterward, he spent his days wasting time at Townhill. Normally off-limits to minors, Townhill allowed him entry as an errand boy. He was a quick-witted errand boy, earning decent pocket money from the older kids, though they sometimes gave him dirty jobs. Then one day, a stranger appeared at Townhill.

“I hear you handle deals here.”

A stranger arrived without warning, immediately seeking out a Townhill executive for a request. Young-looking, intelligent, with a gentle demeanor, and talented at drawing, this individual turned out to be a minor. Yes, a kid, not yet an adult. That was the decisive reason for Kwon Heechan’s rejection.

In the backseat of the car, I met the one who appears on TV whenever things get boring: Chairman Lee, the head of the Yeho Group. Kwon Heechan glanced nervously at the gleaming watch on his wrist, holding his breath. Then, Chairman Lee took off the watch and handed it to him, causing his face to flush red.

“My youngest grandchild is lost, wandering. He’s about your age—two years older.”

Kwon Heechan swallowed nervously and nodded with a sleepy “Yes.”

“I’ll tell you how to make him live like a decent person. It’s not difficult. In return, I’ll grant you a wealth beyond imagination.”

Having grown up with little, Kwon Heechan had a strong desire for money and everything that came with it. So, he eagerly accepted the offer.

According to Chairman Lee’s plan, he appeared in front of Lee Yesin, drawing his attention. When he mentioned his dream of becoming a fashion designer, Lee Yesin immediately stopped his playful ways and began living diligently alongside Kwon Heechan. Things were fine until he entered college.

Despite his past involvement in messy homosexual affairs, he diligently focused on school life, acted humble despite his overflowing wealth, and avoided trouble at drinking parties. With Lee Yesin becoming too subdued, the bonuses Kwon Heechan had been receiving were cut off. Though his base salary steadily increased each year, he missed the perks of those extra gifts. So he contacted Seong Wonkyung, practically Lee Yesin’s boyfriend.

“Seems like Yesin has been wanting to see you lately. I’ll set up a meeting for you.”

Exploiting Lee Yesin’s trouble sleeping, he substituted his usual sleeping pills with an aphrodisiac and took him to a motel. Seong Wonkyung laughed at the sight of a dazed Lee Yesin.

“What’s up with him?”

“He said he wanted to have fun with you and took some pills, but he probably took too many. I don’t know what he took; I’m clueless about drugs….”

“Leave him. Yesin, can you see me?”

After that day, Lee Yesin returned to his homosexual affairs. He tried to restrain himself during the school semester, but during breaks, he frequented clubs and hotels almost daily. From that point, Kwon Heechan began collecting photos of Lee Yesin. When he wore flashy accessories, he asked a few people who had been intimate with him to take pictures, adding, without saying much, that Lee Yesin enjoyed such things. The men who were infatuated with Lee Yesin’s body willingly clicked the shutter. Kwon Heechan transferred the photos from Yesin’s phone to his own and created a social media account, posting updates whenever Yesin was quiet. After several years of this, he began planning a drunk-driving incident.

Approaching his fourth year, Lee Yesin tried to stay indoors during breaks. Instead of sex, he increased his intake of sleeping pills and devoted himself to his studies. Kwon Heechan’s photo stash was nearly depleted, and it had been over four months since his last bonus from Chairman Lee. This couldn’t continue. To stay by Yesin’s side after graduation and continue siphoning Chairman Lee’s money, he needed a big move. So, he hired someone from Townhill.

Using depression as an excuse, he invited Yesin for a drink. He spiked Yesin’s drink and placed a Townhill member beside him. Fortunately, this person was infatuated with Yesin’s body, and they had messy sex in a bar restroom before going to a club. During that time, Kwon Heechan stole a suitable car he had scoped out, parked it near the club, and waited. The Townhill member carried Yesin out.

The rest was a piece of cake. Kwon Heechan went home, and the Townhill member put Yesin in the car, crashed it into a telephone pole, placed the dazed Yesin in the driver’s seat, and gave him an injection to make him unconscious again. The job was cleanly wrapped up with an anonymous call reporting the vehicle.

Chairman Lee was furious, seemingly reminded of Kwon Heechan’s necessity. His rage resulted in additional payments, as if to reward him for a job well done. Kwon Heechan carefully looked after Yesin, telling him to reduce his medication intake in the future when he claimed he couldn’t remember anything. That would make him seek sex instead. Such a simple-minded person.

From then on, things returned to routine. He collected photos—gaudy ones with ostentatious jewelry and wild post-sex ones—and released them at a controlled rate, stopping just before any major incident. Then, he received bonuses.

Kwon Heechan was content. Life was prosperous, and his academic credentials were now outstanding. The world seemed peaceful, and his future looked solid. His life felt full. Then, Tae Woowon entered.

Yesin, who had endured much, would follow his distant cousin’s department store relocations to publicly shame him. But somehow, Tae Woowon effortlessly put a stop to Yesin’s antics when he visited the department store after a long time. That was when Kwon Heechan should have been wary. He eagerly began involving himself in Yesin’s rebellion and misconduct, something everyone else found distasteful.

Eventually, Yesin quit his night escapades and focused solely on school life. This made Kwon Heechan anxious. He was out of photos, and Yesin’s chaotic fans wanted new posts. When he visited Yesin’s house to deliver more pills, he managed to get a single photo, but the content was too mild. So, he decided to escalate things.

There were plenty of people at school who disliked Yesin. Fortunately, a senior picked a fight with him, creating the perfect timing. Kwon Heechan was the one who slipped a knife between Yesin’s notebooks. When the two scuffled, he rolled the knife close to Yesin’s hand. He didn’t expect him to grab and wield it so impulsively, but Kwon Heechan’s plan succeeded. Yesin was expelled, effectively ending his attachment to school. With that gone, he had nothing left but to fall.

As expected, Yesin returned to his old ways. But this time, no one talked about his debauchery. Tae Woowon had thoroughly silenced any rumors. Kwon Heechan’s plan dissolved into nothing, so he waited for D-day.

Every year on his half-brother’s memorial, Yesin would spend the day having sex or overdosing on pills and sleeping. This year, Kwon Heechan assumed he’d choose sex. He approached someone Yesin had been with a few times, handing him a burner phone, asking for a few pictures. The guy laughed and agreed, thinking Kwon Heechan was perverted. The fool didn’t know that Kwon Heechan only entrusted photos to fools; asking smart ones could someday get him caught. Anyway, D-day arrived, and he went to the meeting point to retrieve the phone with photos. But the guy didn’t show up. Once again, Tae Woowon was the problem.

On reflection, Tae Woowon was technically on his side, yet his dedication was baffling. After some thought, Kwon Heechan realized that Tae Woowon might still be unaware. At first, Kwon Heechan was like that too, blindly monitoring and comforting Yesin to earn money. As a result, Yesin quieted down, and Kwon Heechan lost his bonuses. It seemed wise to convince Tae Woowon, but first, he needed to trap Yesin.

A few days before D-day, Yesin asked for help to run away. Initially, Kwon Heechan planned to say he couldn’t find a smuggler, but he changed his plan.

He decided to imprison Yesin. While keeping him captive for a few days, he would create some scandalous material. Through an acquaintance, Won Jungkyu, he contacted an employee skilled at confinement, Jang Wonhyeok. Jungkyu asked for sex with Yesin instead of money, and Kwon Heechan readily agreed, requesting a few photos as a bonus. Though not gay, Jungkyu accepted the offer, pleased with the arrangement. Successfully completing the deal, Kwon Heechan called Jang Wonhyeok.

“Just confinement? You know I offer other services, right?”

Tempted, Kwon Heechan listened carefully and expanded his requests. A mere ten million won was nothing compared to the fortune he expected. Having ensured all details, he aided Yesin’s “escape” into Jang Wonhyeok’s hands. But why am I here?

“A few days, just lock him up?”

A large man, Tak, asked Tae Woowon. Tae Woowon lit a cigarette, gesturing toward those tied up beside Kwon Heechan.

“What are you planning to do with them?”

“To be honest, I’d like to sleep with Fuck-you, and conduct a few experiments on Cripple-Legs.”

“Show him. Make sure to discuss it well with Won Jungkyu and have fun.”

Lost, Kwon Heechan stared in disbelief as Tae Woowon knelt, blowing smoke in his face, making him shiver. His smiling face looked unsettling, and the mention of “Boss Woo” felt ominous.

Kwon Heechan, unable to grasp the situation, stared at them in disbelief, his mouth slightly agape.

“My number one is still Boss Woo,” Tak muttered.

Ignoring Tak’s words, Tae Woowon crouched down in front of Kwon Heechan and blew a cloud of cigarette smoke into his face. Kwon Heechan flinched, his body trembling. Tae Woowon’s smirk was unsettling, and the way he used the title “Boss Woo” only heightened Kwon Heechan’s unease.

“Let’s keep you locked up here for a few days. Watch your friends fall apart and keep your wits about you—don’t break down on me before I get to you.”

With a flick of his cigarette, Tae Woowon tapped the ashes onto Kwon Heechan’s face and stood up. Kwon Heechan, stunned, looked up at him, feeling a wave of nausea. He wanted to scream, but his throat tightened, leaving him speechless. Tae Woowon turned his back on him, flashing a sly smile as he walked over to Tak, who was sitting in the chair.

“I transferred the fee to the account you mentioned,” Tae Woowon said.

Tak nodded. “Got it. Heading out?”

“Yeah. I’ve got to feed Lee Yesin.”


A faint voice slipped from Kwon Heechan’s lips as he stared at them. Tae Woowon turned around and looked at him.

“The cripple next to you is Jang Wonhyeok.”


“And I’m the one who’s got Yesin.”


“Have a nice time with Tak.”

“Yep. I’ll even give you a lift,” Tak said with a smirk, causing Tae Woowon to laugh quietly, lips tilted in a crooked smile. Tae Woowon’s dark eyes seemed to tighten around Kwon Heechan’s throat.

“You’re not getting out of this that easily, bastard.”

Tae Woowon spoke icily and took a drag from his cigarette, then walked up the stairs with long strides and left through the heavy metal door. Bang! The door slammed shut.

“…Damn, isn’t he sexy?”


“Yes, totally!”

Won Jungkyu and Jang Wonhyeok, who had been quiet, responded quickly to Tak’s remark. Tak chuckled, stroking his chin in satisfaction.

“Lee Yesin’s one lucky guy, getting to touch Boss Woo’s bare body.”

“Hey, wow!”

“I mean, I’d love to touch it too…”

“That’s not happening.”

Thud. Tak kicked Jang Wonhyeok in the face and then walked over to Kwon Heechan.

“You’ve got a tongue and vocal cords, so why aren’t you answering?”


“Guess I’ll start from scratch, then. I was told just to keep you locked up, so laying a hand on you might be tricky, but Boss Woo is a forgiving type. You heard him earlier, didn’t you? He told you not to fall apart. So hold yourself together.”

Tak took a pair of scissors out of his pocket and grinned, showing his even teeth. Click, click. The blades of the scissors glinted. A dark shadow fell across Kwon Heechan’s face.

٠ ࣪⭑

When Tae Woowon arrived home, Lee Yesin was ghostly pale, his eyes wild with tension. The first word that came from his mouth was “bathroom.” His bound hands were pale and cold, probably from struggling to loosen the ties in a desperate attempt to get there. Tae Woowon pulled a knife from behind him and cut the sheets binding him. He lifted Lee Yesin, who was trying to stand, and carried him to the bathroom. Lee Yesin muttered a string of curses under his breath, but Tae Woowon gently placed him onto the toilet. Lee Yesin glared at him, yanking at the bindings on his wrists.

“Get out.”

“I noticed a vent in the bathroom.”


“What if you try to escape through there?”

“I won’t. I’m not going anywhere!”

Lee Yesin tossed the torn sheet toward Tae Woowon. It hit him square in the chest before falling to the floor at his feet.

“Just use the toilet and nothing else.”

Rage flared in Lee Yesin’s clenched fists. Tae Woowon gave him a glance before stepping out and closing the door. He then returned with the tools he had bought earlier and inspected the door frame leading to the veranda from Lee Yesin’s room. He selected a suitable hinge and nails, using a power drill to secure the ends. He hammered a few large nails into the middle of the sliding door for extra security. Satisfied, he tugged at the door to check; it wouldn’t budge.

“What are you doing?”

Lee Yesin asked, frowning as he emerged from the bathroom and stared at the now-sealed veranda window. Tae Woowon tossed the remaining nails into the toolbox and put away the power drill.

“Are you out of your mind?”

He had used the toilet, but not without taking the chance to wash his hands and face. Tae Woowon had expected this and wasn’t particularly surprised.

“Come eat.”

Tae Woowon led the way out of the room with the toolbox. He stashed it in the storage closet before heading to the kitchen, where he laid out pumpkin porridge, vegetable porridge, and a few side dishes he had brought with him. As he washed his hands in the sink, he sensed a presence nearby. Lee Yesin stood a little distance away, his brow furrowed as he hesitated to speak. Tae Woowon dried his hands with a napkin and glanced at him sideways.

“…When are you leaving?”

After a long silence, Lee Yesin finally spoke, but his question made little sense.


“To Chairman Lee… when are you going?”

Tae Woowon tossed the napkin down and raised a hand to softly cradle the back of Lee Yesin’s head. Lee Yesin, who had kept his gaze down, slowly looked up. His face was strangely composed, his clear eyes unaffected by the hell he had been through in recent days. Tae Woowon traced his fingers along the corner of Lee Yesin’s eyes. Lee Yesin squinted as if annoyed, pouting up at him. Tae Woowon held his gaze for a moment, then lifted him up. When he perched Lee Yesin on the edge of the sink, Lee Yesin, startled, clutched at the cabinet above him to steady himself.

“What are you doing? I was—ah!”

Smiling slightly, Tae Woowon pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, parting them just enough to slide his tongue in, curling an arm around his waist to pull their bodies closer as he tasted his mouth. A soft, ticklish moan escaped Lee Yesin’s lips as Tae Woowon’s hand slipped under his robe, warming his skin. With each change in the angle of his head or the slide of his tongue, wet, sticky sounds filled the air. Tae Woowon sucked and bit at his lower lip, trailing his tongue over Lee Yesin’s bottom teeth and along his gums, sending a shiver up his long legs. Following a trail of saliva from Lee Yesin’s mouth, Tae Woowon dipped his head, holding the back of his head so he tilted his face upward. Pressing kisses along his jawline, he buried his face in his neck.


Lee Yesin let out a small gasp, his breath shaky. Tae Woowon slipped one side of his robe off his shoulder and let his hand wander over his bare skin. His mouth followed closely, pressing light kisses across the smooth skin of his flushed chest. Tae Woowon held his reddened wrist, licking along it. Lee Yesin’s hand trembled, twitching as Tae Woowon’s thumb brushed over his palm. Finally, Tae Woowon bent down to place a kiss on his thigh.

“Stop… please stop.”

“Tell me what you remember.”

A soft kiss was placed on the faintly blue-tinted veins along the inside of his thigh, near his kneecap.

“My arm… it hurts.”

Lee Yesin still clung tightly to the cabinet, fearing he might fall. Tae Woowon lifted him and gently laid him on the wide dining table, then resumed his slow work. He grasped Lee Yesin’s shapely calf, leaving kisses along it with soft, wet sounds, sucking on his ankle and gently biting his foot. Glancing up, he caught Lee Yesin staring at him with teary, reddened eyes, biting his lip.

“Why are you crying?”

He released his leg and leaned forward, resting his elbow by Lee Yesin’s head as he stroked his soft hair.

“…I’m not crying.”

“It’s okay if you do.”

A deep kiss pressed against the corner of his mouth, as Tae Woowon slipped his tongue back inside, tracing his mouth’s warmth with soft, insistent pressure. His tongue pushed against the textured roof of Lee Yesin’s mouth, intertwining as he kissed away the slightest hint of reluctance.

“Mm… wait… we… ugh…”

Lee Yesin tried to push Tae Woowon away. Instead, Woowon caught his hand, laced their fingers together, and pinned it to the table. With his waist lifted slightly, Lee Yesin instinctively wrapped his legs around Woowon. As Woowon explored his mouth, Lee Yesin swallowed involuntarily, gulping the excess spit between them. Wet sounds and heavy breaths filled the space.

“Your… phone… answer it…”

Lee Yesin tightened his grip on Tae Woowon’s shoulder. Finally, Woowon released his lips, glancing down to see Lee Yesin’s flushed face and wet eyes. His lips were redder than any fruit, his fair skin glistening in places from the sweat of their closeness. Tae Woowon retrieved the phone from his back pocket, knowing it had been vibrating, but hoping to ignore it until it stopped. The caller was Chairman Lee’s secretary, Park Jonghyun.

“Just… answer it. It’s been going off…”


Rising to a sitting position, he answered Park Jonghyun.

— How have you been? It’s been so quiet lately.

“What’s the purpose of this call?” Tae Woowon asked, idly stroking Lee Yesin’s hand.

— It’s been a while since I reached out… Anyway, we’re having a launch party this Saturday for a new accessory brand. We’d like for you to attend.

Tae Woowon looked down at Lee Yesin, who lay sprawled across the table, eyes darting side to side. Noticing Woowon’s gaze, Yesin tilted his head, widening his eyes slightly. Tae Woowon resisted the urge to devour him whole.

“What time?”

— Eight in the evening. We’ll send over attire and accessories for you.

“Is this important?”

— Yes. It’s the first step in expanding our business reach, and Chairman Lee himself will be present. With the target audience being in their twenties and thirties, it’s crucial you’re there.

The knockoff version of Shining Brand’s items had been successfully completed, and he’d confirmed when Chairman Lee would be away. It was time to finish this.


— Good… And, nothing’s out of the ordinary, I hope? What have you been up to?

“Attending these events is precisely to avoid such trivial reports.”

— …Right. Well… take care, then.

His “small talk” was thinly veiled prying. Woowon was well aware that their relationship would spark suspicion. Both his unusual compliance and his ongoing supervision over Lee Yesin were enough to raise eyebrows. Pretending it didn’t bother him was more annoying than the suspicion itself. Lee Yesin’s acquaintances irritated him, one and all.

“Was that Secretary Park?”


Tae Woowon combed his fingers through Lee Yesin’s hair before pressing his lips to his neck, softly scraping his skin with his teeth. Yesin’s hand squirmed slightly in Woowon’s grip.

“…I’m hungry.”


Tae Woowon’s tongue traced up his neck, his mouth following the line to his jaw before resting on his lips.

“I said I’m hungry…”

Lee Yesin turned his head, avoiding Woowon’s kiss. Tae Woowon released his grip and gently kissed his cheek.

“Just ten more minutes.”

Then he covered his lips again.

٠ ࣪⭑

“Who is it?” Tae Woowon asked.

— It’s me. Open up.

Baek Hyeyun arrived after Lee Yesin had fallen into a deep sleep. Tae Woowon had called her to come over after putting Yesin to bed, ignoring her request for him to come to her hotel. There would be no second invitation. He was determined to take precautions when leaving Yesin alone in the future. After a moment’s gaze at Yesin’s peaceful, sleeping face, Tae Woowon gently brushed his hair and left the bed.

Quietly, he closed the door and went to the entrance to open it. Baek Hyeyun glared at Tae Woowon, asking why he was opening the door so late. Without saying a word, Tae Woowon stepped aside and let her into the house.

“Are you sleeping inside?”

“Yeah. Don’t yell.”

“Hah, I wasn’t planning to, but suddenly I feel like shouting.”

Tae Woowon chuckled softly and had her sit on the living room sofa, where he turned on just the standing lamp before going to the kitchen to prepare two cups of lavender tea. Baek Hyeyun was waiting for him, having taken out her laptop and two jewelry boxes.

“Drink this.”

“Thanks. Is this Shining Brand? What’s fake about it?”

Tae Woowon opened the two boxes to check. While they would surely differ upon close inspection, to the naked eye, there was no difference. He held the diamond up to the faint light in the living room and then turned on the phone flash to examine it more closely. He then held one of the jewels out to Baek Hyeyun.

“This one’s fake.”

Shining Brand diamonds had a high clarity grade. Therefore, even though it was a large size of 55 carats, it appeared flawless, and its brilliance was considerable. The color grade was also high. However, the imitation lacked the shine of a real diamond.

“But it’s still pretty similar, right?”

“Yeah, there’s hardly any difference.”

“Goldie had a tough time, huh?”

With a proud smile, Baek Hyeyun put the Shining Brand items back into their respective boxes. She kept the fakes for herself and handed the real ones to Tae Woowon.

“I heard there was also a red diamond.”

It seemed Jane had already spilled the beans. Tae Woowon took a sip of his tea and placed Baek Hyeyun’s laptop on his lap.

“That’s mine.”

“Just show me. I heard there’s a 3-carat one too. I want to see a 3-carat red diamond.”

“Next time. Did you get a drawing from Rogi?”

At his quick question, Baek Hyeyun clicked her tongue. Still, she diligently fiddled with her laptop and brought up the screen.

“This is the original, and this is the piece Rogi did called <The Woman Wrapped in Ribbons>… Honestly, I think it’ll fool me.”

Baek Hyeyun was more interested in the paintings than the jewels. Since she could make money at auctions without a fence, if she thought it would fool her, it seemed Rogi had created a masterpiece that wouldn’t come again.

“Okay. Who’s going to fill Chairman Lee’s safe? Have you hired anyone?”

“I did, but I’m thinking of getting one more. I mean, the difficulty goes up from having to bring the items into the safe.”

“Is Jane busy?”

Tae Woowon asked while looking at the blueprint of Chairman Lee’s mansion. Jane, who had worked with him last time, was skilled. Moreover, she could remain calm in situations that would send most people into a panic, and above all, she had plenty of guts. After all, theft required audacity and confidence.

“Actually, she contacted me after seeing the note you left at the hotel. She said to call her if you’re interested in the next job.”

“Yeah. Is she willing?”

“She said she’d do it if she gets a red diamond.”

Ah, those damn thieves.

“Tell her I’ll give her a 1-carat one.”

Baek Hyeyun narrowed her eyes at Tae Woowon’s simple answer. She shook her head, seeming dissatisfied that Jane would be getting a red diamond.

“You could just pick someone else.”

“No. We’re doing the job this Saturday.”


“I heard Chairman Lee mostly spends his time in the office. The safe is there too. He’s going to a launch party on Saturday, so we’ll go in while he’s away.”


Baek Hyeyun stiffened her face and paused. Then she took the laptop back into her lap and began tapping away at it. She checked for anything that could cause issues with the job. She was about to say that if she found even one thing that might trip them up, they wouldn’t be able to do it this week, but unfortunately, Baek Hyeyun’s work was perfect. There wasn’t a single flaw in the infiltration route or the escape route. Ultimately, Baek Hyeyun nodded. Still, she opened her mouth slightly, as if something was bothering her.

“It feels a bit rushed…”

“No, it’s fine now. Just prepare the materials for reporting Chairman Lee’s tax evasion.”

“I already did. I even had a meal with the inspectors as a warm-up.”

Feeling pleased with her quick work, Tae Woowon smiled and ruffled her hair. Baek Hyeyun swatted his hand away in annoyance.

“Make sure the news coverage is solid. Have Shining Brand appear in the background.”

“Yeah. I’ve already let them know, so they’ll handle it well.”

“Good job. Show Jane the blueprint and have them work well together. Let Tak know the schedule too.”

Tak will be brought in as the driver for this job. He’ll be assisting from the outside during the entire process, but considering the mansion’s tight security, he’s likely to be doing physical work.

“What about you?”

“I’ll be going to the party with Lee Yesin.”

“…What if something happens to our kids?”

Baek Hyeyun, having put away her laptop, raised her half-empty teacup and asked. Leaning back on the sofa, Tae Woowon looked up at the dark ceiling.

“What do you want?”

“Make sure to wear in-ears. Bring your phone too.”

She was suggesting that he should think while keeping an eye on the theft scene. That much wasn’t difficult, so he nodded.

“I’ll send the equipment via quick delivery on Friday.”

“Also, send a thin location tracker.”

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